Jim's Articles

Collaboration between Medisun and Tsinghua University

The founding of Enterprise Fund for the Tsinghua University and Medisun Cell Technological Research and Regenerative Medicine

In April 26, 2017 Medisun Medical Group and Tsinghua University held a signing ceremony, formally announced the establishment of the “Tsinghua Medisun Cell Technology Research Institute” and setting up the “Tsinghua Medisun Cell Technology and Regenerative Enterprise Investment Fund”. At the time of the 106th anniversary of Tsinghua University, the signing ceremony was presided by the prof. Dong Chen, Dean of the School of medicine, Tsinghua University, with the signing officials, the Chairman of Medisun Medical Group Mr. Danny Wong, The Executive Director of Medisun Medical Group Dr. Wen Feng, Vice President of Tsinghua University and the Chairman of Tsinghua University Education Foundation Yang Bin, Tsinghua University Education Foundation Secretary-General Li Jiaqiang, Medical School’s party secretary Hongbo and many other college leaders attended the signing ceremony.

The signing parties: Tsinghua University School of Medicine Dong Chen and Medisun Medical Group Chairman Danny Wong

The global leading platform of Regenerative Medicine on Cell Technology : The Enterprise Fund for the Cell Technological Research and Regenerative Medicine is based on the advance technology, professional staffing, skill proficiency, resources and management experience of the Medisun Medical Group. Further enhanced by the quality and scientific research platform offered by the Tsinghua University, for the collaboration with the School of Medicine and the Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and other affiliated institutions. To focus on cell technology and cell therapy in the area of education, training, scientific research, clinical transformation and industrial development. Through the combination of the above strong elements, to reinforce the professional leadership of the School of Medicine of Tsinghua University.

The two parties will actively cooperate with the integration of professionals and the high-quality resources, to build the institute as:
* The world’s leading cell technology platform to support the training of professionals
* The world’s leading cell technology platform for research, development and clinical transformation
* The world’s leading platform for international cooperation for development of cell technology
* China as the most influential authority on cell technology and related laws, regulations and operational standards

Cell Technology and Regenerative Medicine Enterprise Investment Fund

At the time of setting up the research institute, Tsinghua University and Medisun Medical Group, National Investment Funds Limited (The Directors of Medisun Medical Group) also co-sponsored the establishment of Tsinghua Medisun Cell Technology and Regenerative Enterprise Investment Fund. The movement will attract more financial ventures to participate and invest the technology for further research, development and clinical transformation. The increase of the social capital can increase the investment in scientific research, and reduce the burden on the government and university’s expenses. This is to ensure the scientific research is carried out normally, to achieve the scientific research objectives. Secondly, the investment from the enterprise can motivate the research staff for better efficiency of the scientific research and to enhance the productivity. Thereby to enhance the brand value and social benefits.

The Enterprise Investment Fund will be included in the Tsinghua University School of Medicine’s overall industrial strategy. According to the management standard of the School of medicine, it will be used for the research and development, and clinical transformation with the Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, to accomplish the combination of leap forward development strategy. At the same time, to set up a 10 years plan on the Enterprise Investment Fund. The profit from the operating outcome will donate to the Institute for teaching, research and related charity projects to promote the cell technology and regenerative medicine for an sustainable development.

Life Science – a main agenda on the 13th Five – year Plan

Life science is one of the most rapid developing area of the twentieth century and become one of the most striking discipline of natural life science. From the early stage of the development of the cell technology and cell therapy has already heading a medical revolution. In compare with the traditional drug therapy and surgery, the cell technology has develop a new means as the third choice of treatment. With advance improvement, it can has a broad market and potential for further expansion. The General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference that stem cell research, early diagnosis of cancer markers, human genome sequencing and other basic scientific breakthroughs, all these can become an influential factors for China to face the world. Enterprises place an important force for integration of science, technology and economic growth. As the investment on research, development and transformation will become the main drive of the technological innovation. To adjust the existing industry and local research institutions, enrich enterprise R & D strength, support enterprises to build national technology and innovation center, cultivate the industry which could become the business pioneer. The collaboration between Medisun and Tsinghua University is a strong response to the National thirteen five years plan’s development direction, and to create a comprehensive platform for research and development.

The cooperation with the Medisun and Tsinghua University will lead the growth of cell technology and cell therapy in China. This will further promote the establishment of a comprehensive laws and regulation on cellular technology, industry standards, norms, system for cultivation and high-end and quality scientific research. Also training of medical personnel, support the international exchanges, enhance the ability of independent innovation by building a world class cell technology and cell therapy transformation platform. Then China will own the world high-end standard expertise and transformation cell technology enterprise. Read more details at http://www.medisun.hk/.

Cryolife tech news

Asian’s Godfather of Cord Blood, Professor Takahashi Tsuneo Joined the “Cryolife Cord Blood Bank” and “Hong Kong Medisun”

In May 2017, CRYOLIFE Cord Blood Bank (Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group members) formally appointed the Godfather of Cord Blood in Asia, Japanese regenerative medicine expert Professor Takahashi Tsuneo as the Chief Scientist. Professor Takahashi will lead all the cord blood stem cell research projects. Professor Takahashi has eras of experience in the field of regenerative medicine. In the past few decades, Professor Takahashi has established the standards of the Cryo-Cord Blood in Asia and lead a new prospective in the application and development of the cord blood industry.

It is well believes that by the joining of Professor Takahashi will convey a new development stage in the field of cord blood stem cells in Hong Kong. It will bring new opportunities for the expansion of Medisun Medical Group and the Cryolife Cord Blood Bank.

Professor Takahashi Tsuneo is committed to the field of regenerative medicine for more than 40 years (mainly in the field of stem cells and cord blood bank). Currently he serves as Chief Executive Officer of Japan LIFEBANK and Chief Scientist of Hong Kong Cryolife Cord Blood Bank (Cryolife is a members of the Medisun Group). Prof. Takashi Tsuneo graduated from the Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan with a Ph.D. degree. He became the scientist in the Red Cross of Bethesda, Maryland. He later worked at the Research center for Arthritis, Diabetes and Kidney diseases of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Professor Takahashi Tsuneo returned to Japan, became the Red Cross Hokkaido Blood Center’s Research Director in Sapporo. Professor Takahashi is not only a founding member of the International Cord Blood Bank Alliance (NETCORD), but also Director of the Tokyo Cord Blood Bank Cell Treatment Center at the University of Tokyo, Japan, and Director of Cellular Research and Development for research center for cell therapy in New York. Professor Takahashi is a Visiting Professor at a number of well-known institutions, including: Department of Cellular Processing, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Head of Hematology, Tokyo University Hospital, Head of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Faculty of Forensic Medicine, Kyoto University, Kobe University Institute of Medicine and Pathology, and Department of Medicine, Peking University, China.

Application of Cord Blood

Cord blood is originated in the fetus, and collected at the umbilical cord ligation when separated from the residual placenta. Nearly a decade of research and discovered that umbilical cord blood contain the human hematopoietic and the hematopoietic stem cells of the immune system. It can be used for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, for the treatment of more than 80 kinds of diseases. Thus, the cord blood has become an important source of hematopoietic stem cells, especially for no directly related family members. The hematopoietic stem cells is a very important human biological for treatment of diseases.

Worldwide, cord blood has been used to treat various types of Leukemia, Aplastic Anemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Neuroblastoma, Mucopolysaccharide disease, Thalassemia, Bone Marrow Dysplasia syndrome, Primary Immunodeficiency Disease, Chronic Granuloma and other 80 kinds of diseases.

Clinical application case

* The world’s first cord blood transplantation: In 1988, a 5-year-old French boy, suffering from Cooley’s Anemia has been treated with the cord blood transplantation and with completely recovered.
* The world’s first autologous cord blood transplantation: In 1997, a 14-month-old Brazilian girl, with autologous cord blood successfully cured Neuroblastoma.
* The world’s first double dosages of cord blood transplantation: In 2000, the Institute of Hematology of the Peking University used the world’s first double dose of cord blood transplantation for the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with good result. Now, the patient weight of 95 kg, is having a healthy life.
* Asia’s first autologous cord blood transplantation: In 2009, Beijing Children’s Hospital, a pediatric patient using his own cord blood for the treatment of Neuroblastoma. This is the first case of autologous cord blood treatment for pediatric case. The baby is treated and being fine after the transplantation.
* China treated a youngest and light weight baby: In 2009, Shanghai Dao Pei Hospital has successfully treated a 2 months old baby only weight – 5 kg, by using the cord blood transplantation treatment for Primary Immunodeficiency Disease.
* In China, the first mother received the son’s cord blood transplantation as treatment: In 2009, Chongqing Xinqiao Hospital, a female patient suffering from an Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia was treated by using her son’s umbilical cord blood, together with his husband’s bone marrow for transplantation. She was discharged from the Intensive Care Unit after one month from the transplantation. This is the first case of mother using her child’s cord blood for transplantation.

Treatment prospects

Cell therapy has been a biological way for the treatment of a number of diseases in the 21st century. At the end of May 2014, the worldwide of related clinical research on the cord blood cell therapy, registered with the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) reached a total of 928.

CRYOLIFE Cord Blood Bank – Hong Kong’s first private cord blood bank

CRYOLIFE Cord Blood Bank is the only one in Hong Kong with the most international professional certification, and is highly recommended by gynecologist, physicians and parents. CRYOLIFE was established in 1996 to create the first private cord blood storage program in Asia. Prior to the establishment of the cord blood bank in Japan, Singapore, mainland China, Taiwan and Malaysia. Cryolife upgrades the standards in the development and research in the laboratory equipment. It is the leader in Hong Kong and Asian in the cord blood industry. CRYOLIFE has been recognized by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) since 2007 as one of the world’s first recognized AABB-approved cord blood banks, and range the first 50 in the Cord Blood Bank’s list. Continuous assessment were done in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 and has successfully passed the review, and gain the AABB certification until the end of 2017. The company is the only one in Hong Kong which has obtained a 10 consecutive years’ certification in the private cord blood bank. (In February 2017) Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group acquired 51% stake in CRYOLIFE Cord Blood Bank as its controlling shareholder.)


Headquartered in Hong Kong, Headquartered in Hong Kong, the company is committed to investing in R & D and commercialization of global regenerative medicine products, as well as professional medical investment groups in top hospitals and treatment centers.

Medisun invests extensively in regenerative medicine and stem cell patented technology, including stem cell therapy for heart failure, stem cell therapy for liver disease, kidney disease, neurological diseases, cancer, AIDS, and immune cell therapy for a variety of cancers. Medisun Medical and the US Mayo Clinic, Harvard University Stem Cell Research Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Life Science Center launched a long-term cooperation program, co-investment in regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy technology. Medisun collaborates with them as the business owned holdings and holds global intellectual property rights.

The Medisun Regenerative Medical Center is located in Kowloon, Hong Kong , with 50,000 square feet of stem cell GMP production base, cancer treatment center and anti-aging center, bringing together European, Japanese, American and individual Chinese experts for rigorous professional development process by providing immune cell therapy and a variety of stem cell treatments. Medisun is also the Asian Center, a representative of the Mayo Clinic Asia service agencies. It provides Mayo remote consultation, the second diagnosis and treatment, so that Chinese patients can not enjoy the authority of the medical services. Mayo Clinic provides more than three thousand biomedical tests for the most predictable health protection for our customers’ health.

Medisun Regenerative Medicine Center (Mayo Asia Medical Service Center | Cancer Treatment Center | Anti-Aging Center)

Medisun Medical Laboratory (Hong Kong)

Source : http://www.medisun.hk/