Jim's Articles

Premium dry eye recommendations with Aarti Pandya MD

Optical Shop/Glasses services by Aarti Pandya MD Atlanta, Georgia: Dr. Pandya believes every patient deserves personalized, compassionate care that is tailored to their unique needs and goals. She takes the time to get to know each patient on an individual basis and educate them about their condition and treatment options before recommending the most suitable course of action. Patients can rest assured that Dr. Pandya has their best interests in mind at all times. Read extra info at Aarti Pandya MD.

Choosing the right time to have cataract surgery is a deeply personal and often difficult thing to do. Let us help make things that little bit easier by providing you with a clear understanding of what the procedure involves, how long the recovery process takes, the results you can expect to achieve and the lifestyle-restoring benefits you can experience. To complete your procedure, all that’s left for us to do is close the tiny incision and place a protective cover over the eye. Patients typically see clearly immediately the next day.

Prolonged high blood glucose levels can stress the blood vessels of the eye, causing them to leak blood and other fluids into the retina. The resulting swelling and inflammation can cause a number of vision-related symptoms, ranging from minor nuisances to blindness. If you have diabetes long enough, you will eventually develop some degree of diabetic retinopathy. We cannot overstate the importance of routine eye exams as the best method to protect your long-term vision health if you suffer from diabetes.

Once our team assesses the full extent of your condition, we can design a treatment plan that is tailored to your unique condition. In some cases, artificial tears (eye drops) can provide sufficient relief. Behavior modifications such as taking more frequent breaks from your computer at work or avoiding air conditioning can help relieve your symptoms. For optimal eye health, we recommend a diet rich in omega-3 foods (e.g., salmon, nuts, flaxseed oil) or supplements.

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can irreversibly damage vision. It is the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 60 and can often progress without any noticeable symptoms. In fact, of the nearly 3 million Americans who have glaucoma, it’s estimated that only 50 percent are aware they have the condition. This puts 1.5 million Americans at risk of permanent glaucoma vision loss. There are other, less common types of glaucoma including normal-tension glaucoma, congenital glaucoma and secondary glaucoma. Through comprehensive eye testing that measures peripheral vision, the pressure in your eye, optic nerve health, the thickness of your cornea and fluid drainage, our glaucoma specialists can identify your specific type and develop a custom treatment plan designed to save your vision.