Jim's Articles

Disqus replacement for WordPress and other CMS

JointComments is a Disqus comment like system, a free comment solution for WordPress and non CMS websites. Adding a comment plugin to your website has many benefits, and we will talk about them in this article.

A comments section is an excellent place for building these kinds of relationships with influencers. If you get to the end of an article, you may be thinking, “Hey, this person forgot to mention this point, but I have some thoughts on that.” Adding in a helpful comment or linking back to another article can spread the conversation. It can connect you with others (or with the blogger) in a bigger way. It’s not that linking back to another blog or website is bad. Sometimes people do it because they’ve written something related to the topic and they think it addresses something missed in the post. But when it’s done just to drive traffic, it’s spam. Moderating these comments is much more difficult. It takes a lot of time to filter the manual spam ones out from all the other normal comments.

However, to figure out how much additional traffic he was receiving from those rankings, Neil took a look at the actual number of impressions and clicks that those rankings received. Overall, he found that the comments section brought in 16% of all search traffic. Neil concludes, “Comments didn’t drive as many visitors as I wanted, but considering that it’s user-generated content, it’s not that bad. It could be that Google may not be placing as much value on text created through comments or words appearing lower on a page (since comments are located below each blog post) as it does on the post itself.” I should note that Neil only analyzed 560 blog posts–so far less data than the 100,000+ blog posts from the HubSpot study–but it is interesting information nonetheless.

JointComments comments have virality. Everyone uses JointComments almost daily. When you embed JointComments comments, you end up using the viral nature that JointComments has built into the comments. When people comment on something, it shows up not only on your blog but also in their news feed. Their feed gets viewed by a lot more people. Most of the times their friends are likely to be completely unaware of your website. So what this does to summarize is ‘it puts your website in front of new audience’. This new audience has a high probability of having similar interests as the person commenting on your blog. This further adds to the likely hood of you getting a new returning visitor.

JOINT Token Rewards: JOINT is a tradable cryptocurrency which works on Ethereum blockchain. JOINT also the fuel of Joint Comments platform. Acquire traffic from other publishers. Reward your team members & writers. Hold it to get future profit from Joint Comments. Platform Features: Manage multiple websites in one dashboard, Embed anywhere (websites, static pages, ecommerce), Invite your team members as moderators, Define upvote & comment limits, Customize the widget colors and widget position, See stats of your community. Read more info at Disqus alternative.