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Impact of culture and technology synergy in 2022 from Barbara Jarabik

Benefits of culture and technology synergy in 2022 from Barbara Jarabik : The rapidity of communicative exchanges in time and space, made possible by the availability of the internet and media everywhere, leading to a strong global impact known as media globalization. People all over the world have access to the internet, which ensures the production, distribution, and use of digitized information in all formats. Back in my grandparents’ generation, people used to meet together physically to discuss concerns and share knowledge. Today, meetings are often done online through social media platforms, giving the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. Through social media, people have the ability to create relationships based solely on mutual understandings and shared common interests. The current process of media globalization has led to a deeper understanding between different cultures through virtual encounters.

Barbara Jarabik

Technology plays a crucial role to strengthen interpersonal connection. It has contributed in the sector of health, transportation, electricity, etc. to all the demographic factors of society eg: Modern farming replaced primitive farming allowing increased crops, less time investment, etc. Technology should be oriented towards positive social change. Hence, technology should be developed to design digital ways to connect us not only to each other but to promote our values, to respect each other, and to encourage innovation as we develop a place for ourselves in the 21st century.

In case of mobile phones initially mobile phones were designed for an industrial purpose in a factory by Motorola, the main reason why mobile phones became famous was when Japanese companies were influenced and inspired by their own culture of talking and sharing knowledge with each other. Technology sometimes gets integrated with a culture and community, in cases when technology cannot integrate, technology adapts to the culture as seen in Kosher phone which was made to adapt to the Jewish culture (which prohibited cameras, text messaging service).

Technology influences society through its products and processes, which consequently influences the quality of life and the ways people act and interact. On the other hand, social needs, attitudes, and values also influence the direction of technological development. For societies to thrive and evolve, technological innovations have become necessary. It has evolved over the last centuries from simple tools such as stone tools and basic books to complex genetic engineering, smart machines, and information technology such as TV, computers, and cell phones. As technological systems are invented by humans, they reflect the very essence of a population’s needs and culture. Read even more info at Jarábik Barbara.

Vision plays a major role in determining how a technology can grow or be used. Every culture has something very unique and different from the other culture and hence a very different approach to technology, in the olden times, people were not connected and hence what used to be a vision in one culture used to be a technological marvel in the other culture, this can be seen in the case of airplanes. In the Indian culture the concept of a flying machine has been a tale for thousands of years (Childress, 1991) and it was not until Leonardo da Vinci drew a few drawings inspired by pigeons the idea came into the notice to a different culture, in the end credit goes to the developers and the researchers, who developed the aeroplane (Childress, 1991).