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High quality commercial cleaning Long Island NY from His And Hers Cleaning

Professional commercial cleaning Long Island NY from His And Hers Cleaning Solutions LLC: Home cleaning services have two other advantages as well. First, they’re accustomed to moving the heavy furniture. Second, they usually know a lot more about how to handle specific challenges like heavily soiled areas and stains. Carpet stain removal: Some firms include stain removal in the base price. Other firms charge extra for highly soiled areas or for individual stains. Ask about this up front. Carpet pretreatment: Most wet-cleaning results can be improved by spraying a cleaning agent on the carpet a few minutes before cleaning. The chemicals help dissolve grease and oils so that the final cleaning extracts even more dirt. For some firms this is standard procedure; others may charge extra by the square foot or room. Be sure to ask. Read more information on residential cleaning Melville NY.

His & Hers Cleaning Solution LLC offers professional upholstery cleaning services to match your requirements at a reasonable price while maintaining a high-quality service. Our trained technician will identify permanent stain spots and give you satisfactory results. Our latest state-of-the-art equipment combined with the best cleaning technique will ensure your upholstery is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Our mission is to exceed your expectations leave you with cleaner upholstery and a healthier home. Our Post Construction Cleaning Services guarantees a clean home/office from top to bottom after renovations projects you may have. Our team of experts makes the house brand new. Before you settle in, schedule a post construction cleaning appointment.

Subsurface Extraction: This will be used when the urine penetrates the carpet backing and pad, we would now perform a subsurface treatment. We start by using a UV light to perform this process. We locate all the contaminated areas, treating them one-by-one using a specialized solution for ultimate results. We then saturate the areas with a powerful, self-neutralizing oxidizer that not only destroys odor in carpet, but it attacks the stain as well. A water claw will then be used, which is specially designed to flush out the contaminants, removing it to our holding tank for prompt removal. This is followed up with a fresh water rinse and final subsurface extraction to remove remaining pet odor, stains and residue.

You can place floor mats in the entry of each room in your house as well as in the interior and exterior door. This helps in keeping most of the dust outside the house. And also train yourself and your kids to avoid wearing shoes in the house. Every few days you can shake or vacuum the floor mats outside your home to remove dust trap in it. The air vents at the home are probably very dusty and dirty. First, remove the dust accumulated with a soft brush tool. Then take some soft cloth that you no longer use and soak them with a cleaning agent and wrap it around a small stick and clean the air vents.

Many folks, when hiring their first domestic professional, don’t realize there are different levels or types of cleaning. [It makes sense when we talk about it, but many folks don’t discuss this with a cleaning service.] The #1 issue that I see when it comes to hiring a housekeeper is that there are specific expectations that you, the client has, and sometimes we don’t communicate those expectations explicitly. You know that saying about assuming? Def applies here! So, before reaching out to a housekeeper for a quote, ask yourself, “What level of clean am I looking for, here? What domestic tasks do I not want to do?” Questions to consider: Do you want your housekeeper to focus on specific areas of the house, for example, the kitchen and bathrooms? What does it mean to you when you say, “Clean the living room?” What specific sub-tasks are involved? Write them out! [Or purchase my download, whichever floats your boat!] Do you want your housekeeper to wash walls, baseboards and vents? Do you want your bathroom deep cleaned, ie the grout bleached? Discover additional information on https://www.instagram.com/hisandherscleaningsolutionsllc/.

Though your carpet takes some caring for, the actual cleaning techniques are simple and easy to perform as long as you follow your contractor’s advice after the install. They are always the best source for maintenance. Overall, make sure you get to the stains as fast as possible, perform your daily maintenance, and have some extra swaths on hand that match your carpet: no matter how much you preserve your flooring, repair may be needed in the future. Just always remember that the result is well worth the effort. The safer and cleaner your carpet remains, the longer they last and the more comfortable they become. Specific Stains: For wine stains, blot them with club soda for proper removal. For other red dyes, use a solution of peroxide and water and rinse with a solution of vinegar and water. For food stains, simply spray shaving cream on them, allow it to sit, and it remove with vinegar and water.