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Patek Philippe luxury watches shopping Dubai with HM Watches

Patek Philippe luxury watches online shopping UAE with hmwatches.ae: Santos-Dumont, 31.4mm stainless steel case, navy alligator leather strap. The Santos, Cartier’s style icon, was first introduced in 1904 and became not only a Cartier signature but also one of the defining wristwatch designs of the 20th century. The latest iteration takes the full Santos-Dumont moniker and steers the line in a new direction — thinner, smaller and more affordable. Key to that is its slimline quartz movement, which may offend the more mechanically minded, but in the flesh it barely registers because of the absence of the tell-tale ticking seconds hand of a quartz movement. It helps too that Cartier is claiming a punchy six-year battery life. The larger of the two models announced is only 31.4mm wide, although feels larger on the wrist, and is just 7mm thick. Mounted on a navy alligator hide strap, it’s chic, dressy and a lusty addition to the Santos canon. Discover more details on Audemars Piguet luxury watches online shopping Dubai by hmwatches.ae.

Anyone who purchases a Patek Philippe knows that he probably won’t lose any money if he chooses to sell it at a later date. And it’s entirely possible that the value of the watch will increase over time, though there is no way to predict this in individual cases. But it’s a reassuring fact, even when most people purchase a watch simply for their own enjoyment and don’t have immediate plans to resell.

Chunky, luxury watches don’t suit everyone’s style, but this sleek-looking beauty carries the elegance and swagger needed to stand out from the crowd. The steel blue-like dial with its mix of distinctive leaf hands and Roman numerals exudes an air of class appropriate to a watch brand founded in Geneva in 1830. At 40mm it’s on the upper end of the medium size scale. Strap it on your wrist and see why celebs like David Duchovny and Kiefer Sutherland are huge fans. Chotovelli, a brand founded in the 1920s in Turin, derived and inspired by Italian aviators, is a name you probably haven’t heard before. Which just means it qualifies as a ‘find’. For the price, this handsome oversized chrono is by far the biggest bargain on the list, and the opportunity it affords to give each admirer a mini history lesson is just icing on the cake. The saddle leather strap will only get better with age, but caveat emptor: at 47mm, this is one big watch.

Which is better Rolex or Audemars Piguet? Rolex has the upper hand on the outside of the watch when it comes to everyday use and durability AP has the advantage on the inside of the watch when it comes to finesse, attention to detail, and of course, high complication watches to impress watch enthusiasts and connoisseurs. Rolex watches are known for their accuracy. Specifically, since they’ve been putting the words Superlative Chronometer on their watches which means that the watch was regulated and tested to an accuracy of -2/+2 seconds per day. To date, every new Rolex manufactured besides their Cellini collection is meeting this level of superior precision.

When Swatch launched the Sistem51 — an autonomously assembled automatic movement boasting a 90-hour power reserve — it was a revelation, but its plastic case limited its appeal. Now you can get the same movement cased up in stainless steel, making it a more versatile option for everyday wear. No list of dirt-cheap watches is complete without the Seiko 5. Originally launched in 1963, the 5 has cultivated a feverish following amongst watch fans for its utilitarian mechanical movement and the value it provides. The Seiko 5 comes in many iterations, and the “Sea Urchin” dive watch is one of our favorites. In addition to using Seiko’s workhorse 7S36 automatic movement, it comes adorned with a unidirectional countdown bezel and steel bracelet.

When it comes to wooden watches, the kind of wood that makes up a watch you want to buy is of utmost importance. Make sure that the watch material is sustainable wood. A good wooden watch should be carved from woods like sandalwood, Koa, Purpleheart, Ili-hai, or maple. Beware of steel, and plastic watches that have some pieces of wood glued on top of them. Additionally, orient on your preferences. It is of the utmost importance to choose a wooden watch that meets your needs. This timepiece should have the right color, durability, luster, grain pattern, and texture. Wooden watches come in different attributes and you should be able to choose the one that fascinates you in terms of these characteristics. Discover additional info at www.hmwatches.ae.

Premium företagsavtalsrätt juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman

Hög kvalitet företagsoffentlig rätt juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Sverige: Som en allmän regel tenderar arbetslagstiftningen i EU att vara mindre arbetsgivarvänlig i EU än i USA, med uppsägningsklausuler som vanligtvis inte är tillåtna och kollektiva förhandlingar vanliga i vissa länder. När du övervakar ditt företag i EU, se till att dina anställningsavtal är förenliga med den lokala lagstiftningen eftersom varje EU-medlemsstat har sina egna regler för olika aspekter som förmåner, anställningsskatter, uppsägning och deltidsarbete. Företagsinvandring är ett nyckelämne i EU eftersom olika företag välkomnar anställda från andra EU- eller tredje partsländer. Du bör överväga vilka alternativ som finns för dina amerikanska arbetare som du vill skicka till EU och definiera strategin och typen av stöd du vill ge din personal och deras familjer. Se till att du är medveten om de senaste och kommande lagändringarna. Till exempel implementerade Belgien nyligen EU-direktivet om ett enda tillstånd, som innehåller en ny uppsättning regler som gör den administrativa processen för arbetstillstånd mindre betungande. Hitta extra info på Alexander Suliman.

Anledningen till att Europeiska kommissionen var angelägna om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Låt oss börja med en innehållsskanningsordning på servern. Vid första anblicken kan man hävda att en sådan order bör anses äventyra kärnan i rätten till privatliv enligt stadgan. EG-domstolen i Schrems I ansåg att lagstiftning som ger offentliga myndigheter tillgång på allmän basis till innehållet i kommunikation äventyrar kärnan i rätten till privatliv enligt stadgan (punkt 94). Innehållsskanning på servern är utan tvekan en form av “åtkomst på generaliserad basis”, där det involverar en analys av all kommunikation som går genom servern som är ansluten till en viss app, och vidarebefordrar eventuella matchningar till ett utsett center. Samtidigt var Europakonventionen i Big Brother Watch mer förlåtande när det gäller befogenheter för bulkavlyssning av kommunikation, så länge som dessa befogenheter omges av tillräckliga skyddsåtgärder (par. 350). En viktig punkt som bör undersökas ytterligare är om detta signalerar en spricka mellan de två organen, eller att EG-domstolen kommer att kartlägga sin egen väg när det gäller bulkövervakning.

2021 utfärdade den franska regeringen doktrinen för användning av molnberäkning av staten (“Trusted Cloud Doctrine”), vilket gjorde SecNumCloud-certifiering obligatorisk när en fransk statlig myndighet upphandlar molntjänster som skulle hantera känslig data, inklusive personuppgifter från franska medborgare och ekonomiska uppgifter om franska företag. Dessa krav gäller även privata operatörer av väsentliga tjänster. Enligt Frankrikes Trusted Cloud Doctrine måste kvalificerade molntjänstleverantörer vara “immuna mot alla regler utanför EU”. Dessutom måste sådana företag förbinda sig att lagra och bearbeta data inom EU, samt att administrera och övervaka tjänsten inom EU. Vidare kan molntjänstföretag med utländskt huvudkontor inte uppnå certifiering om de är mer än 39 % utlandsägda.

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Med ett beslut som kommer att bli ett landmärke för hushållsarbetares rättigheter i EU bekräftar domstolen EU-lagstiftningens outnyttjade potential när det gäller att främja hemarbetares fulla täckning under arbetsrätt och sociala trygghetssystem, vilket kommer att få betydande konsekvenser för främjandet av hushållsarbetares rättigheter i hela unionen. Fallet uppstod i Spanien i november 2019, då en hushållsarbetare ansökte om att betala avgifter för att täcka risken för arbetslöshet, för att få rätt till de relaterade förmånerna. Men hennes begäran avslogs av den spanska allmänna socialförsäkringsfonden (TGSS) eftersom hon var registrerad i det särskilda socialförsäkringssystemet för hushållsarbetare, som inte inkluderar skydd mot arbetslöshet.

Bäst företagsoffentlig rätt juridisk rådgivning guider med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: I Sverige och andra stater finns det en mängd olika lagar som ger dig tillgång till medel för att betala dina räkningar för att behålla din livsstil på någon nivå när du går igenom den här rättsliga processen. Din make kan inte avbryta dig ekonomiskt och inte ge dig tillgång till pengar för att leva ditt liv när du går igenom den här rättsliga processen. Vi hjälper dig att behålla den livsstil du har och skapa de pengar du behöver för att få dina advokatkostnader betalda, oavsett om det är i början eller slutet av ärendet. Låt inte det vara något som hindrar dig från att inte ringa telefonsamtalet, för så fort du är medveten om att skilsmässa potentiellt övervägs, finns det många saker du behöver göra för att skydda dig själv. Många gånger säger folk att det är precis vad advokater säger eftersom de bara vill engagera sig för att driva upp advokatarvoden. Detta är sant. Ibland vill advokater göra det, men det är inte vad vi gör. Upptäck ytterligare information på Alexander Suliman, Sweden.

Top Capsim homework help services

Capsim simulation help providers 2023: Most Capsim students often have unanswered questions when implementing different strategies. Unfortunately, they don’t find instant helpful capsim tips online, which can be frustrating, making them fail and lose their qualification. Thanks to the best Capsim strategy help, our professionals are available 24/7 to help you win Capsim. We provide you with pro tips and guidance any time of the day or night, helping you complete the long-term strategy game. So, whether you are stuck in the first or final Capsim round, feel free to contact us for help! Read additional info at Capsim homework help.

Capsim simulation or business games begin with the Capsim Practice Round 1. TYpically, Round 1 represents the current industry report; so it is much of the prevailing industry conditions. Usually, in Practice round 1, you don’t have much to do since it is considerably the round zero of the capsim simulations. However, if you don’t understand the industry report, it can be challenging to complete your Capsim Round 1 assignment. That’s where we come in – to offer you all the help you need with your Capsim round 1 assignment. We take all the pressure off you so you can focus on other things and tasks.

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We provide you with highly qualified tutors to assist you with your Capsim simulations Homework, business games, and round analysis. At both the individual and group levels of competition, the practice rounds and actual simulations are flawlessly executed. Are you stuck at any level or round and would like a professional to take over your simulation and competition rounds? Are you seeking for professionals to help you with simulations and decision-making? Are you seeking for someone to assist you with round analysis and other such tasks? Don’t be concerned. We’ve got you covered.

The Good News: We have what it takes to help you succeed in your Capsim Assignments and Projects. Thanks to the best Capsim strategy help, our professionals are available 24/7 to help you win Capsim. We provide you with pro tips and guidance any time of the day or night, helping you complete the long-term strategy game. So, whether you are stuck in the first or final Capsim round, feel free to contact us for help! So, whether you are stuck in the first or final Capsim round, or you have a Capsim Simulation Assignment, a Capsim Reports Homework, or a Comp XM Exam, feel free to contact us for help! Find extra info on https://capsimstrategy.com/.

How to increase leverage in Capsim? Leverage is the ratio of equity to debt, and if you look at financial principles, you want to have a balance when it comes to these variables. Depending on the situation, you can take out or pay back loans to increase or decrease your debt, or you can sell or buy back stock to increase or decrease your equity. How to increase customer accessibility? If you spend money on marketing and sales, you will increase customer accessibility. However, you do not want to spend a lot of money on this because it could have adverse effects.

Couch for elderly factory with yumeyafurniture.com

Quality sofas for the elderly wholesale factory 2023: Buying Guide for the Best High Sofa for Elderly – Although a high sofa for elderly comes with loads of advantages, these are conditional. Meaning you can get all these if you buy the right and most suitable high sofa for the elderly. Wondering what to consider when looking for the best of these sofas? Our buying has got you covered! Seat Height – Low seat height is the main reason people skip those typical Chesterfields and loveseats. However, when buying a high sofa for the elderly, look for a minimum 60-inch seat height and 36-inch or more for the backrest. These statistical height figures are sure to let older people avoid knee stains, muscle stiffness, and more such difficulties. Discover extra information at senior living furniture manufacturers.

When elderly people live in the house, everyone needs to adjust to various things, including their pace, lifestyle, furniture, and sofas. The elderly can benefit in many ways by having high sofas available. Aside from the fact that they are more comfortable, well-selected high sofas also help reduce the amount of muscular strain, joint pain, and difficulties they have with mobility. One of the best things you can get for your home is a sofa bed that is elevated to accommodate the needs of the elderly. There are several factors to consider while selecting the ideal high sofa bed for your home’s living room, dining room, or bedroom from the many options available.

The benefits of having an armchair or recliner in a living room. An armchair or recliner can be a great addition to any living room, but it can be especially beneficial for elderly people. Here are just a few of the benefits: They provide a comfortable place to sit. They can help improve posture and provide support for the back and neck. They can aid in circulation and help reduce swelling in the legs and feet. They can be helpful for those with arthritis or other mobility issues. They can provide a place to rest and relax, which is important for overall health and well-being.

Regular use of an adjustable chair is a need for most people. This is because the elderly tend to spend much of their time seated. There are many options available, from basic recliners to armchairs with full-body support. It is easier to sit on these chairs since they are more supportive and comfy. And it’s adjustable to meet your specific seating requirements. The Yumeya furniture is one of our best-selling homecare furniture products. Additionally, they provides a wide range of pressure care and support options, allowing the user to construct a chair that best meets their own requirements. People with restricted mobility, such as the elderly, may find that an adjustable chair significantly improves their quality of life. A riser recliner chair may enhance your well-being and freedom by enabling you to sit, raise, and recline in comfort.

Considering the limited mobility of elderly, the demand for convenient mobile chairs will increase significantly. Yumeya unique caster function, without changing the appearance of the chair, directly add casters on the basis of the existing chair to quickly switch between casters and no casters, which can reduce the difficulty and whole cost of sales and procurement. Considering the particularity of the elderly, Yumeya has specially developed a variety of different functional fabrics, including 150,000 rubs wear-resistant series, I clean series, antibacterial and mildew proof series and 0 formaldehyde environmental protection series, which can meet the different needs of furniture in different scenes.

As one of the biggest wood grain metal chair manufacturer and senior living furniture manufacturers in china. Yumeya has a more than 20000 m2 workshop, and more than 200 workers. The monthly production capacity of wood grain metal chairs can reach up to 40000pcs. With the most modern equipment in the whole industry, Yumeya is the first company in realizing 25 days quick ship in customized furniture industry. Now Yumeya provides Wood Grain Metal Senior Living Chairs for more than 1000 Nursing Homes in more than 20 countries and area all over the world, such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, and so on. Top rated assisted living furniture for sale, welcome to contact us.

After a long and trying day, there is no better sensation than unwinding in an ergonomically designed upholstered chair waiting to surround you in a warm embrace. Our chairs for senior living are designed with accommodating features such as soft contours, spacious seating areas, thick foam padding, and armrests. With our range of chairs for senior living, we can now meet the specialized commercial furnishing requirements of healthcare facilities, nursing homes, and assisted living communities. As hospitality furniture manufacturers for the healthcare and senior living industries, we thoroughly understand the specific issues posed by each of these settings.

Yumeya Furniture is the leading senior living furniture manufacturers for wood grain metal senior living chairs. Yumeya Wood Grain Metal Senior Living Chairs have solid wood texture, cooperated with Tiger powder coat, 3 times durable, can maintain its good look for years; Have the same strength as the metal chair, it can bear more than 500 lbs. Meanwhile, Yumeya provide 10-years frame warranty. Free you from any after-sales worries and short the return on investment cycle. Read even more info at https://www.yumeyafurniture.com/.

You can choose the right style of 2 seater sofa for the elderly from our existing love seat or send us your best-selling style to upgrade. If you are looking for best high sofa for elderly, professional manufacturer of couch for elderly, welcome to contact us. Why Yumeya Furniture will be your perfect supplier of high sofa for elderly or 2 seater sofa for the elderly? We have been focusing on high end metal furniture for over 12 years, and now Yumeya provides professioanl sofas for the elderly for more than 1000 Nursing Homes in more than 20 countries and area all over the world.

Types of Armchairs: The simplest place to start could be by focusing on four of the most popular designs: the low-back, highback, winged, and modern armchairs. Armchairs come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and styles. What distinguishes them from one another, what do they bring to a space, and where do they look best? Let’s discuss it. Low-back armchairs are a great choice for areas with a modern decorating style since they have a profile that tends to look a little less formal and more relaxed, which may make them work better in modern environments than in conventional ones.

Investment funds in UAE 2023

Best rated investment groups in UAE : Hossein Abdolamir Mahallati’s success in the luxury industry can be attributed to his passion for high-end products and his family’s expertise in the jewelry business. Born on November 24, 1985, and grew up in Dubai in a family of jewelry. He completed a diploma in polished Diamond Grading from the International Gemological Institute (IGI) in May 2007. Growing up in the UAE, he was exposed to his family’s jewelry business at a young age, sparking his fascination with exquisite jewelry and timepieces. His admiration for rare and beautiful pieces is evident in his vast collection, which includes vintage watches and modern diamond necklaces. Mahallati has leveraged his passion and family history to build a successful career in the luxury industry. He has taken his family’s rich history in the jewelry industry to new heights by combining it with innovative concepts and visionary ideas. Through his brand Caelos, he has blended tradition with contemporary pop culture to create a timeless and modern brand that appeals to discerning customers. See more information at investment group UAE.

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business venture. This may entail starting a company or working as an independent professional. Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business. It involves innovation, taking risks and making decisions that are not guaranteed to succeed. The future of entrepreneurship is bright. Entrepreneurship is a booming industry and it’s not going to stop any time soon. There are many opportunities for entrepreneurs to succeed, especially in emerging markets. Entrepreneurs should be willing to take risks and work hard if they want to turn their ideas into a reality. Entrepreneurship is an economic engine that drives innovation, economic growth, and employment across the globe.

Moreover, Hossein’s foray into real estate investments is a testament to his astute business sense and his unrelenting pursuit of growth and expansion. His recent investment in The Trove, a trendy new restaurant in the Dubai Mall fashion avenue, showcases his desire to provide exceptional dining experiences while also adding value to his investment portfolio. Hossein’s entrepreneurial spirit and his ability to leverage his passions and interests to fuel his business ventures has earned him respect and admiration from his peers. He remains a humble and driven individual, constantly seeking new opportunities for growth and expansion. In a world where success is often measured by wealth and status, Hossein Abdolamir Mahallati’s story serves as a reminder that true success lies in following one’s passions and pursuing excellence with unwavering determination.

Mahallati’s exceptional collection is a reflection of his immaculate taste and unyielding search for beauty in every facet of life. From a young age, he knew he was destined for greatness, and that his love for all things luxury would be the engine that drives him there. With his innovative concepts and visionary ideas, Mahallati has cemented his place as a leading figure in the world of luxury watches and jewelry. By taking his family legacy and infusing it with modern ingenuity, he has created a unique niche in the industry, showcasing the endless possibilities that arise when respect for the past meets a vision for the future. At the helm of several businesses under the umbrella of HM Investment L.L.C, including Caelos, HM Watches Lounge, and The Trove, Hossein’s approach to the luxury market is one that has earned him global recognition. With a keen eye for investment opportunities, Mahallati has diversified his portfolio, making strategic moves into the world of real estate. Find extra information at https://www.hosseinmahallati.com/.

And yet, despite his remarkable success, Mahallati remains grounded and driven to achieve even more. His unrelenting determination and astute business sense have earned him a reputation as one of the most successful and admired business leaders in his community. For Mahallati, the pursuit of growth and expansion is not just a business strategy, but a way of life, a testament to his unwavering commitment to excellence and his belief in the power of hard work and perseverance. But Mahallati’s entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds. He has diversified his portfolio with strategic investments in real estate, acquiring several properties around the world and showcasing his unwavering commitment to expansion.

A Crypto Tale by Enzo Zelocchi announced today

A new hot Enzo Zelocchi movie announced: A Crypto Tale: A story based on true events where a group of criminals have been targeting victims using dirty, corrupted Los Angeles Sheriff deputies to kidnap and rob victims in the Los Angeles area. In the heart of Los Angeles, a new type of criminal had emerged – the crypto criminal. These criminals were tech-savvy and had found a way to exploit the rise of digital currencies to their advantage. Their modus operandi was simple but effective. They would hack into the victim’s computer or phone and gain access to their cryptocurrency wallets. Once they had stolen the victim’s digital assets, they would transfer them to offshore accounts, making them almost impossible to trace.

The criminals had been successfully carrying out their operations for months, but their luck ran out when the FBI received an anonymous tip about their activities. The FBI, working in collaboration with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, launched a raid on the gang’s hideout. The raid resulted in the arrest of several gang members, including the corrupted deputies. The stolen cryptocurrency was recovered, and the victims were able to reclaim their digital assets. Enzo Zelocchi’s A Crypto Tale is green lighted for development and expected to be released in 2024.

Every year, countless aspiring actors make their way to Hollywood in the hope of finding themselves at the right casting call, in front of the right power player, so that they can launch a successful career. Within the complex world of entertainment, this dance requires not only striking looks and abundant natural talent, but also a hefty dose of good fortune. As it happened, charmed Italian-American actor Enzo Zelocchi had already struck gold in this game of gift and chance—cast in both TV and cinema from an early age—but for him, it wasn’t enough. Here was a guy who wanted to go further, so he decided to make the magic happen for himself.

Of course, Enzo Zelocchi shares the drive to be both behind the camera and in front of it with fellow Hollywood stars Gosling and Gerwig, who have both historically written, directed, and starred in their own creations. In this area, Zelocchi is unquestionably a veteran, with numerous films under his belt realized in such an unusual multi-faceted capacity. Titles like My Little Princess (2010), Mantus (2014), and Angels Apocalypse (2015) come to mind. Not to mention the artist’s most recent vision, No War (2022); a project set in war-torn Ukraine for which Zelocchi cast a real-life child Ukrainian refugee as his heart-wrenching co-star.

Few will have missed the recent hype about No War, a staggering film set in recently war-torn Ukraine, following the daring escape of CIA agent John and Ukrainian child refugee Malen’kaya as they try to outrun the Russian military in a brutal post-apocalyptic landscape. However, what many may not have realized is that Zelocchi not only starred in the film’s leading role but also wrote, directed, and produced the project—a rare achievement indeed. Unusually, it is nothing new for Zelocchi to take credit for so many roles on a single film. In fact, he’s been drawing critical acclaim for just that since his breakthrough masterpiece My Little Princess in 2010, which explored the story of a father and his terminally-ill daughter as they navigated treatment within the American healthcare system.

Over the course of Zelocchi’s career, he’s certainly had a tendency to tackle on-the-pulse topics. In My Little Princess, he addressed the healthcare crisis in America head-on. Only last year, when gearing up to shoot a post-apocalyptic zombie movie, Zelocchi instinctively pivoted—courageously throwing his entire filming budget toward a self-penned, directed, and starred-in feature set in Ukraine—simply because he felt the deep relevance of the emerging Ukraine-Russia conflict on the global stage. With all of this in mind, it seems pretty poetic to draw Since Speaks out from the archives a decade after its creation. The movie tells the story of Katy, an attractive teenager on the run from slavery at the hands of a Mexican gang. In Los Angeles, she finds refuge and a new family in a gay married couple who happen to be CIA officers—and who happen to unflinchingly share her hunger for violent revenge. Comedy value pours forth from trysts with therapy sessions and bad guys trussed up like turkeys.

Enzo Zelocchi the social media influencer

A well-rounded approach works very well in today’s society, and no other man knows this better than Enzo. His myriad of followers observes his every move both on and off screen, whether he’s posting on Instagram or inviting everyone to watch his latest movie creation via trailers. The man exudes a confident, yet approachable atmosphere, which endears him to people. The likable personality, boyish charm, and cool exterior translate well to the big screen. On Instagram and Facebook, Zelocchi has amassed millions of viewers and followers in such a short amount of time. Discover even more info on producer Enzo Zelocchi.

Who is Enzo Zelocchi and some of his thoughts: Enzo Zelocchi is a rare, multi-faceted, and talented individual who has served various roles in the entertainment industry. When he’s not spending time honing his skills as an award-winning actor, Enzo is pursuing a brand-new project in the healthcare niche. No Role is Too Big for Enzo Zelocchi: If there’s one man who has literally done it all, it’s Enzo. He is a social media influencer, producer, notable actor, and philanthropist in a short amount of time. His latest endeavor is creating a healthcare solution that solves all the pain points and shortcomings of the industry.

The latest Enzo Zelocchi – Afternoon in Paris promising extraordinary media launches: What can you tell us about your upcoming projects The First Secret and The Source? The Source is ‘The Crow’ meets ‘Mad Max’ with Tim Burton’s touch in a futuristic dimension, with a group of aliens trained to protect the universe and keep the balance with other parallel dimensions. I wrote the pilot in 2018 and it was a mix of a couple of dreams that I had. Receiving over 200 million views on the first trailer was more than I could have asked for. That video is now one of the most-viewed trailers in the history of social media.

Zelocchi dreams of higher-quality healthcare not just in the US but the whole world. To achieve this, he founded A-Medicare, a healthcare platform that’s innovative and made up of different technologies. During the filming of ‘My Little Princess’, Enzo realized that not a lot of people have access to healthcare, and sought to change things in a positive manner. A-Medicare is billed as the ‘Amazon for Healthcare’ and encompasses a range of different functions. At the heart of the platform are blockchain technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to help people heal and get better from their condition. It’s going to be a federated system available worldwide. Enzo intends to spread it globally in hopes of making a centralized healthcare system for all.

We are all one and with love and common sense, we can get things done. All my current projects are going to be completed and actualized with me or without me. Changes are inevitable and the best is yet to come,” he added. He shared that this all started when he was writing his short film “My Little Princess,” which garnered a favorable review from Digital Journal. I got started down this path of research when writing the ‘My Little Princess’ film, released in 2010,” said Zelocchi. “Considering the plight of a father whose daughter has terminal cancer, I had to take a close look at what the options are like for real people in similar situations. It broke my heart.

How did the project of The Source come to be? Tell us about your involvement with it. The Source was originally conceived as a movie franchise. Due to COVID-19, the entertainment industry changed quite a bit in terms of distribution (hopefully temporarily), so I turned it into a TV show. I originally wrote The Source in 2018, and when COVID-19 started, I began to deeply develop all the projects that I thought would be a good fit for this current time in our society. I’m basically the creator, writer (along with others on the team), producer, and lead actor. When the trailer of The Source received over 200 million views, I understood that I was on the right track.

The Latino/Hispanic market has been very neglected in my opinion. From a cultural standpoint, strategically, it’s pretty well structured to be inspirational for young people. I’m more about empowering people. That’s what I believe that people who work in entertainment – besides entertaining – should also be role models. Let’s talk about The Source. What is the premise and what is your character? Enzo: That one is more Mad Max meets The Crow. The character, basically, is an alien with a humanoid body. He is there to train and protect the next generation of warriors against space aliens that go from planet to planet to destroy. Since my character’s planet has been destroyed, he and the oracles are hiding on Earth and training these kids. Obviously, they have to find these kids, fight corruption of local politicians. It’s like a post-apocalyptic scenario – obviously more around destroyed cities and travel between parallel dimensions. Discover additional information at actor Enzo Zelocchi.

Zelocchi defined the word success as “be loved, love and have enough money to live a life that I like to live and not worry about future or tomorrow or anything.” “To have a comfort zone and to be in peace with yourself. Love is the most important but money always helps,” he said. Enzo achieved great success with the trailer of the film The First Secret, which went viral and was mentioned in Variety as the second most-watched video of the month with over 24 million views on Instagram behind Cardi B and ahead of Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny, and Dwayne Johnson.