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Executive training certified coach with holisticcoachingsolutions.com

Leadership consulting professional? In 2017, the total U.S. training expenditure– including payroll and spending on external products and services, rose significantly, increasing 32.5 percent to $90.6 billion. Overall, on average, companies spent $1,075 per learner in 2017 compared to $814 per learner in 2016. While companies are investing an exorbitant sum to train their employees, it would all be futile if these employees are unable to retain and process the information received. Similarly, employees in a corporate environment must have hands-on experience and must clearly understand the process before undertaking the actual work. Interactive corporate training ensures that the trainees are not just watching the content, but are actively participating.

Finally, a blended approach can save you valuable time from collecting training feedback in a physical environment. Blended learning for corporate training allows you to gather valuable data about your employees’ performance improvement via online quizzes and tests, whereas your Learning Management System can itself generate feedback in the form of automatic reports. Moreover, a blended learning approach can help you measure the effectiveness of your overall training program, as feedback from employees cannot only be used as an indication of their performance levels, but also as a training strategy evaluation tool. Finally, employees benefit as well, since they are able to review their progress, weaknesses, and strengths.

Stakeholders see the leadership behavior on a regular basis and are in the position to give feedback on the quality of leadership as well as tell the leader whether that quality of leadership is improving or not. They are also in a position to hold the leader accountable when he commits to changing/improving her leadership behavior. They provide on-job coaching and accountability to the leader while she makes an effort to improve her leadership. Marshall Goldsmith’s stakeholder centered coaching is based on this concept of involving the stakeholders – the people who are at the receiving end of the leadership behaviors. It starts with an assessment of the current leadership quality by soliciting 360-degree feedback from the stakeholders. Based on the feedback, the leader chooses 1-2 areas to improve in order to become a better leader.

Helping executives, professionals and entrepreneurs over 40 become physically, mentally and professionally more fit to step into their greatness. Holistic Coaching Solutions has developed an effective and proven approach to discovering the greatness within individuals, small teams or large organizations. Our most popular programs include Think and Grow Rich 5, Leadership Development Programs, Individualized Coaching, Health Coaching and Motivational Speaking. Our clients benefit from a more insightful business perspective through learning how to focus on your strengths, push your capabilities, and innovate for the future. See additional info at Diversity & Inclusion Training.

Coaching in general, is results oriented, generative in nature and requires clients to practice being accountable for what occurs in their lives. It distinguishes a client from the interpretations she has about life in general, herself in particular and about the specific outcome she is wanting. Coaching empowers her to shift those interpretations, which no longer serve her. It also empowers her to practice new ways of being that align her with her desires in order to reach her highest potential. It is transformational in nature because it focuses on the states of being that generate actions, which either move the client closer to her desired outcomes or further away. Shifting how an individual is being, rather than what she is doing, will create transformation, because the way she is being is transferable to every other aspect of her life. The client transforms their perspective, shifting their paradigm to include more, which allows an expanded repertoire of possibilities to exist.

Roderick M. Mason has always been proactive in capitalizing on opportunities and begun his professional journey from the position of a manager at a local company. Following this, he went on to accept a retail management position at a liquor store and played an instrumental role in boosting their sales by 35%. These triumphs helped him realize his true business potential and nurtured his entrepreneurial drive. Disheartened by the lack of growth, Roderick decided to make a transition to an industry of his choice and went on to serve as a high-end Stereo Retailer. See more info at https://www.holisticcoachingsolutions.com/.