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Free high risk merchant account reviews

It’s virtually not possible for eCommerce merchants to work without accepting credit or debit cards. Before you can accept “plastic,” you have to use a payment service provider who acts as a link between you, banks, and credit card networks. Many financial service providers do business exclusively with low-risk merchants, who they consider as a safer investment. That means businesses considered high-risk will have a limited selection of potential processors to choose from. Any processor you approach will take a careful, detailed look at your business to determine if you fall under their definition of “high risk,” based on the financial risk your company represents.

Some providers will not allow/support to integrate with the method where you can use own payment page and the clients stay on your website. They may allow only the use of their hosted payment page, meaning your clients are redirected from your website to their secure payment form and then back to your »Thank You« page. If you don’t prefer that, we strongly advise that you ask your provider if Direct API integration is supported, before you invest your time and money into the application process. Choosing the best merchant account provider: Like anything else, you’ll need to do a lot of research before you choose your new merchant account home. You don’t want to choose the first provider and not the cheapest either. Doing your due dilligence and asking all above questions will save you from trouble afterwards and make sure the solution will fit with your business.

Founded in September 2018, Card Z3N is a Las Vegas-based merchant account provider that serves both standard-risk and high risk merchant sectors. The company offers a wide range of retail and e-commerce solutions for most business types, including adult, auto parts, collections, credit repair, diet programs, e-cigarettes, electronics, extended warranties, fantasy sports, financial services, firearms, online furniture sales, multi-level marketing, nutraceuticals, online gaming, precious metals, self storage, and travel.

High risk merchant account marijuana in 2019. This is a popular topic as more countries open up to new products. High-risk merchant accounts are a group of finance services that offers companies to accept card payments from clients. Credit card processors assign merchants to one of two categories: high risk or low (normal) risk, based on a number of factors. High-risk merchants face reduced choices in processors, plus higher fees and harsh contracts. Being labeled as high-risk sounds bad. But in some scenarios, it can be your best option. We have been writing about various properties of the high-risk merchant account industry for years and have almost sure touched on most, if not all, of the most decisive problems. Here are some more tips on high risk merchant accounts. Read more info at High risk merchant account forex.

The experts at PayKings can help merchants set up a low- to high-risk merchant account that delivers affordable merchant services, online credit card payment processing, and seamless integration with the merchant’s existing platform. We used all of the high risk credit card processors, to be able to compare and a solid choice is iPayTotal. They cover all business types, have a vast experience in the business, fast customer support and low fees.

Other providers will approve you, but you won’t get nearly as good a deal as a non-high-risk merchant would receive. Instead, you’ll pay higher processing rates and account fees, and you’ll usually be stuck with a long-term contract and an early termination fee. In some cases, you might also be required to put up a rolling reserve to get approved. Merchant account providers that are willing to sign up high-risk merchants fall into two categories. On the one hand, there are the companies that directly market to high-risk merchants.

Our goal is to have your account approved as soon as possible with the best rates. Typically within 5-8 days, your account is ready. Integrate your website with a selected payment gateway or use a Virtual Terminal to accept credit card payments. Tailor-made package includes an arrangement of a merchant account (MID) with one of our EU/UK or international acquiring banking partners, with an award-winning payment gateway service, reporting tools, integrated fraud-prevention, and free dedicated lifetime support. We bring transparency and standards to the high-risk payment processing industry, providing businesses with the most competitive deals in high-risk merchant accounts suited to their needs – not just for now, but long-term.

Company Address: 60 Windsor Avenue London, England SW19 2RR
Company Website: https://ipaytotal.com/.
Support Email: support@ipaytotal.com
UK Tel:+44 800 776 5988
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Company # 11357725