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Top Qualität unternehmen und studenten kooperationen

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Kontakte auf- und ausbauen : Das Angebot bietet Deiner angehenden Berufspraxis einen echten Mehrwert. Aus der ersten erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen, kann im zweiten Schritt eine Thesisarbeit, ein Praktikum oder Dein erster Arbeitsplatz entstehen. Wir führen Dich mit Unternehmen aller Branchen zusammen. Unsere Kooperationen mit zahlreichen Unternehmen helfen dabei, die Ausbildung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses zu verbessern. Orientiert an den hier eingestellten Projekten haben Sie die Möglichkeit, aktiv Ihre Vorlesungsinhalte anzupassen und so individueller zu lehren. Praxisnahe Inhalte fördern die Qualifikation der Studierenden außerordentlich.

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Johannes Peter, Geschäftsführer bei Mues Werkzeugbau GmbH: “Professionell, zuverlässig, eloquent, blitzblank, so darf ich die Arbeit Ihres Teams zusammenfassen. Ihre Präsentation dient uns als perfekte Vorlage für eine Richtlinie und entsprechende Arbeitsanweisungen. Projekte entstehen ständig und ich habe jetzt immer Ihr Team im Hinterkopf.“ Andre Kube, Geschäftsführer Vertrieb bei Dämmisol Baustoffe GmbH: „Externe Expertise auf partnerschaftliche Basis, mit jungen kreativen Köpfen“.

Academic Solutions schafft Verbindungen zwischen Unternehmen und Studierenden. Mit dieser Initiative aus der Pandemie hervorgehend fördern wir die Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch zwischen diesen beiden Interessengruppen und bieten so Mehrwerte für alle Beteiligten. Wie das geht, zeigen wir Ihnen gern! Sehen meht information auf https://www.academic-solutions.de/. Academic Solutions ist davon überzeugt: Erhalten Studierende die Möglichkeit, ihre erlernten Studieninhalte mit der Praxis zu kombinieren und dort einzusetzen, entwickeln sie ein tiefgreifenderes Verständnis für wirtschaftliche Gesamtzusammenhänge. Natürlich sammeln sie darüber hinaus wertvolle Erfahrungen für ihre zukünftige Berufspraxis. Profitieren Sie von unserem Netzwerk.

PMPs and PMI-ACP practitioners right now

Scrum Training 2021? Scrum is designed to address the complexity of the modern, digital age where ever-changing customer demands determine how we structure our organisations. Scrum depends on the ability of teams to learn from mistakes and self-organise around difficult problems. A lot of the traditional leadership responsibilities (such as planning, quality and customer-communication) are needed at the level of the team. For a leader this means letting go of responsibilities and a possible re-definition of the traditional role. This doesn’t mean we no longer need managers or leaders, but the role will definitely change. Dependent on a teams’ position in the maturity matrix (level 1 to 5) different leadership styles should be applied. As a leader, you should be open to delegate responsibilities and create a plan on how to do so.

Everyone has a voice with agile. This never happened before at Starmark. They had department meetings once a month and discussed how that specific department could run better. Now, every meeting is a company-wide discussion about how the entire company can be better. Team members in different departments can in this way talk to each other to make the entire process smoother. Every morning each work stream gets together for about 10-15 minutes. A different person runs that meeting each day and everybody says what they accomplished yesterday, what they plan to accomplish today, and if there are any blockers- any collaborations that need to occur. Each person should spend no more than a minute.

When we think of agility we often think of being able to move and think quickly and easily. This is often exactly what is expected of us in our jobs. New systems, new technologies, and just new ways of doing things keep businesses competitive in the market. In fact, 61% of organizations experience three or more major changes every year. This constant state of change requires employees to keep up. Employees have to be able to learn about these changes and implement them at a faster pace. All this change requires agility, and to be able to support learning agility, companies need to start creating an agile learning culture. If you already have an active learning culture established and are ready to adjust to change, then you are in the minority. Only 17% of companies consider themselves highly effective at managing change. And only 30% have change and learning teams to support employees through the change process. For you, creating an agile learning culture may not be much of a problem. You probably already do some of the things listed below. But if you have no learning culture, then it might be a little more difficult. Hopefully, these tips will help get you started. Read additional info at Agile Product Management with Scrum.

There can be other meetings for the day or within the week. Keep the flagging of problems restricted to the 15 minute time box and the solutions to the 16th minute or other meetings. When the team sees the need to talk more, this is just part of their self-management. The little bits of motivation and rewards through appreciation during Daily Scrum when everyone is there can boost everyone’s morale. It makes the other members realize they can depend on each other and gives recognition to the person who tries to help out.

Retrospective (also called “retro”) is the core element of Scrum, so it must be held appropriately. Retrospective isn’t just a fancy word. It’s a technique that has its rules. Many Scrum teams turn sprint retrospectives into a meaningless waste of time because they don’t stick to the rules. Remember that a sprint retrospective gives a Scrum team a chance to improve their workflow. For a typical month-long sprint, a retro should take no more than 3 hours. Spending more time on it is inefficient and counterproductive. During a sprint retrospective, team members should do the following: Share their ideas about a just-finished sprint (process, relationships, environment); Decide what went well and what went wrong; Offer improvements and propose a plan for implementing them. As a result, your team will define problems and suggest solutions. Don’t forget that sprint retrospectives require the presence of a Scrum Master who moderates the event and encourages the team. Sprint retrospectives help Scrum teams become more efficient and professional. See extra info on here.

Definition of meditation and relaxing music and sounds online store

Definition of meditation and soothing sounds online shopping? A study conducted at the University of Utah suggested that “mindfulness may be linked to self-regulation throughout the day, and that this may be an important way that mindfulness contributes to better emotional and physical well-being.” According to Maria Camara, PhD, a psychotherapist who is also a qualified mindfulness teacher, meditation helps us connect with our true qualities. Once we’ve accepted who we are and learn to work with our thoughts directly, we reveal a loving capacity that has always been present within us. It’s no wonder that mindfulness increases happiness, enhances clarity and gives peace of mind.

SWOT analysis is a method of studying at your condition by recognizing: Strengths, or those fields where you have the edge over others or some different resources to utilize; Flaws, or spaces where you or your company may be more vulnerable than others and may discover that others can do better than you; Opportunities, or chances that you can take hold of to help you accomplish your goals and objectives; and Threats, or something that may block you or your company from getting a profit or reaching your goals.

Most of our reactions are spontaneous – they are products of years of experience, which takes the shape of notions and beliefs. But, by observing something without getting influenced by thought, we can rise above in life. Meditation helps in silencing the mind. What is Buddhist Meditation? Meditation, as per Buddhism, tells us to reflect on our mind and thoughts without actually trying to control it. Connecting with the mind through the art of meditation means boosting creativity, goodness, spaciousness, and positive traits to find inner peace. In this way, the mind can focus on everything good rather than dwelling on anything negative or troubling. Discover additional info on meditation definition. Isn’t it amazing to know that happiness exists in everyone? Meditation trains the mind to explore, appreciate, be tolerant, and compassionate towards everyone. It helps us observe even the minor things and realize how beautiful life can be. By now, you’re probably excited to get started! Every single human being has the opportunity to learn meditation techniques and access the full potential of their mind. You don’t need any special skills or equipment to get started.

Studies suggest that meditation functions on specific parts of the brain that are known to create depression, anxiety, and stress responses. For example, the medial prefrontal cortex, or the ‘me-center’ of the mind gets into overdrive during the depression and anxiety states. As a result, we experience more negative feelings about ourselves and keep sabotaging our self-esteem cluelessly. Amygdala, or the ‘fear center’ is a part of the limbic system that creates fear responses and activates the fight-or-flight system in the body, that consumes a significant portion of our energy, leaving us to feeling tired and weary for the rest of the day. During the depression and anxious states, the ‘me-center’ and the ‘fear center’ work simultaneously, causing a chain of reactions, as illustrated below.

Would you love to add razor-edge focus to your life? Research shows that meditation improves cognition and increases your ability to perform tasks requiring focus. One study tested a variety of different meditation types, including Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, Sufi Meditation and Hindu Meditation, and found that they all improve focus by varying degrees. I used to think coffee was the best way to get focused – now I just meditate. Discover even more info on this website.

Music can be the best for Meditation and Healing. Meditation helps the mind reach a peaceful state while relaxing and healing music enhances Meditation skills. Music is the language which touches the mind and soul. Our expert selection of music composed of singing bowls, relaxing bells, healing drums, piano, flute, guitar mixed with natural sounds and alpha waves with will help you to sleep better, relieve stress and to boost positive energy. Meditation music from masters of Zen Music crafted with HD Video will lead you to inner peace with natural healing and attain a higher level of consciousness. Our App will help you release all your stress and depression with soothing sounds and relaxing music. Please do like, share and subscribe our videos.

Loose minerals for horses guides

Horse prerace electrolytes tricks and the best online stores? So how do you ensure your horse receives the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals needed to feel well and thrive? Start with a quality feed program and add a natural horse mineral supplement like Redmond Daily Red. We believe Redmond Daily Red fortified loose mineral sea salt has the edge when it comes to equine nutritional supplements. It’s completely natural, unrefined, and delivers a broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins—including 11 of the 12 most commonly lacking in horses. Here are Daily Red’s superior health benefits: Natural Trace Minerals. Includes 63 trace minerals naturally found in unrefined Redmond sea salt. (See a full mineral analysis here.)

As a horse owner, you’re probably aware of the importance of feeding salt and electrolytes. But do you know which one you should give your horse, and when? Do horses need salt, electrolytes, or both? Is there a difference? Good questions. First, we need to understand that salt is an electrolyte, but it isn’t the only electrolyte horses need. Confused? Let’s clear the cloudy waters and discuss what elements are considered electrolytes, when your horse needs them, and what to look for in an electrolyte supplement. Find more details on https://blog.redmondequine.com/4-horse-care-myths-that-may-be-endangering-your-horses-health.

Compensate your horse’s extra effort by increasing feed rations after a ride and giving a good electrolyte to replace minerals and encourage water consumption. And of course, always make sure they have access to fresh water immediately upon returning home. Winter weather brings unique challenges for horses, one being a disinclination to drink. Redmond products can help your horse from becoming dehydrated. Both Rein Water and Electrolyte replace critical electrolytes, contain over 60 trace minerals for horses, and help water consumption stay consistent in cold months. Click the button below to try a sample pack of both products!

Another boarder’s mare, KC, was experiencing a bout of colic. She’d undergone the usual treatment and was receiving IV fluids because she wouldn’t drink. This had been going on for several hours and caused a lot of stress, especially to the owner, who felt helpless. I tried to be supportive and offered my friend one of my Redmond salt rocks. I told her how my horse loved them, and maybe it would encourage her mare to drink. She accepted my offer, figuring it couldn’t hurt, as she’d already unsuccessfully tried several things to help her horse, including molasses in her water and a wet mash. I brought a Redmond Rock on a Rope and hung it in KC’s stall. Immediately she started licking it. The horse owner was impressed because she said her horse normally doesn’t like salt licks. She was so thrilled she was in tears!

Try giving salt. Rub loose salt over your horse’s tongue. Some suggest this encourages horses to drink soon after. Of course, you should also always offer your horse a salt lick or loose mineral salt to replace electrolytes and trigger drinking. Add flavor to water. Horses prefer tastes that are sweet or salty. Consider adding a natural equine electrolyte drink mix like Redmond Rein Water or a sweetener like apple juice to your horse’s home water several days prior to a trip. Once you’ve arrived at your new destination, use the same electrolyte or flavor to mask the taste of unfamiliar water and give your horse a taste of home. Read even more details on electrolytes for horses.

Holistic Medicine history with Aida Gadelkarim

Holistic Medicine history with Aida Gadelkarim? Aida Gadelkarim and other holistic health experts have multiple ways of healing, but they share a common base approach. They believe in the ancient principle that healing is most effective when you factor in the whole person, rather than focusing on specific illnesses, body parts, or symptoms. Socrates said in the 4th century B.C., “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” Hippocrates, the father of medicine, who lived in the 4th century B.C., stressed the healing power of nature. He believed in encouraging the self-healing efforts of the body. Other early physicians were more interested in actively stepping in to correct illness. These two approaches—support versus intervention—were debated for centuries until the scientific revolution of the 19th century. Aida Gadelkarim chooses to use methods of support when treating her patients

Long before X-rays or penicillin, doctors recognized the importance of spiritual and emotional well being in order to achieve good physical health. Two of the most well documented ancient holistic health traditions are Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda. Aida Gadelkarim believes that holistic health is a state of balance, not only an absence of illness. A holistic health education teaches the interconnection of body, spirit, mind and environment—just as it has for thousands of years, and Aida Gadelkarim works hard to share this with her clients.

Aida Gadelkarim believes that it is worth noting that TCM started almost 5,000 years ago and has continued to develop into a complex system of diagnostic and treatment methods that are still heavily used today. From the very beginning, TCM viewed the human body as a small universe of interconnected systems, including physical elements as well as subtle energies, such as “qi,” or life force, and “shen,” or spirit.

There are three ancient medical traditions in holistic health that Aida Gadelkarim likes to focus on:

1. Herbal medicine – Herbal medicine emphasizes holistic balance and is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. Indigenous people all over the world and throughout history have drawn on the medicinal properties of plants. Herbalism is a critical element of TCM and Ayurveda.

2. Ayurveda – Ayurveda is the ancient medical tradition of India. Ayurveda traces its origins to a text written by Sushruta, the “father of Surgery,” in the 6th century B.C. The healing practice incorporates beliefs in the five great elements of the universe, the seven primary constituent elements of the body, and the three “doshas,” or biological energies, that each represent. Using a system of eight treatment disciplines, Ayurvedic holistic health practitioners guide their patients to balance and moderation.

3. Western herbalism – Western herbalism originated in ancient Greece and Rome, then spread throughout the rest of Europe and eventually to North and South America, focusing on the medicinal attributes of plants and herbs.

With the discovery of germs as a disease-causing agent, Aida Gadelkarim notes that Western medicine became thoroughly focused on intervention. Diseases were treated as invaders to be destroyed with medicines such as penicillin. Physicians paid less attention to healthy lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and emotional health, which are areas Aida Gadelkarim chooses to focus on. The emphasis was on symptoms and syndromes. Patients were discouraged from participating in their own health care and began to believe that medicine should simply “fix” them, which Aida Gadelkarim says should not be the case.

It took almost a century for the limitations of this approach to become clear. Aida Gadelkarim points out that some scientific medical cures proved more harmful than the diseases they sought to treat. Other diseases and chronic conditions failed to respond to scientific treatment.

Eventually people began to seek alternative forms of medicine. This led to a renewal of interest in holistic health education in the West and eventually for Aida Gadelkarim. The first National Conference on Holistic Health was conducted in California in 1975. The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) and the Holistic Medical Association were formed soon after.

Holistic Health Today

Aida Gadelkarim believes that we live in a time of great imbalance. There are more pollutants and chemicals in our food and environment than ever before. We face epidemic rates of obesity and chronic disease. Most people have poor diet and exercise habits. Almost everyone in our fast-paced society struggles to manage daily stress, and many are afflicted with chronic depression and anxiety.

Because of all this, consumers are concerned for their health. There has never been a greater need for the holistic health approach, and people are demanding medical alternatives and actively seeking better options for their personal wellness. This has resulted in constant research and development in the wellness industry, and Aida Gadelkarim is one of it’s premier providers.

Even with this industry boom, very few medical doctors practice holistic health care, so professionals like Aida Gadelkarim, trained in holistic health schools are in high demand. These holistic health practitioners offer healing alternatives such as massage therapy, nutrition, chiropractic medicine, acupuncture, meditation, and homeopathic medicine. While no holistic health practitioner or wellness professional can be an expert in every form of health restoration, each offers a unique toolbox of skills and knowledge to help patients achieve whole body health and balance.

About Aida Gadelkarim: Aida Gadelkarim has a Bachelor’s of Science in Business, and a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. Since 2010, Aida has worked for Botanicals MBS, where the
main focus is holistic medicine, natural beauty products and services. Botanicals MBS offers a variety of therapies Shockwave Therapy, Vitamin Infusion, Herbal Supplements, Micro-needling, PRP, PRF Hair Restoration, Meso Skin Therapy, and Acupuncture. Since 2017, Aida Gadelkarim has been a part of All-Heart Women’s Group, an LLC that manages the development and implementation of various women’s health and educational apps.

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