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Les agences de voyages les mieux notées pour les réservations de vols au Sénégal

Les agences de voyages les mieux notées pour les réservations de vols au Sénégal 2023: Mosquée de la Divinité, située sur une plage dans la région de Ouakam. Il est connu dans le monde entier pour son architecture unique dans laquelle le style islamique traditionnel et les ornements modernes sont combinés. Vous pouvez accéder à la structure en empruntant les escaliers du boulevard principal ou en prenant un taxi. Il y a un vieux village de pêcheurs attenant à la mosquée où vous pouvez trouver du poisson frais l’après-midi. Contrairement aux informations trompeuses sur Internet, il n’y a aucune restriction pour les personnes de différentes religions visitant la mosquée. Franchement, par rapport à Gorée, l’île n’a pas grand-chose à offrir. Cependant, on peut toujours profiter des plages paradisiaques, des rues étroites regorgeant de fleurs, des structures élégantes et des cafés en bord de plage. Pour ceux qui envisagent de passer plus de temps sur l’île, il y a quelques maisons d’hôtes. Découvrir plus details sur ce site Web agence voyage Senegal.

AC Group Voyages est une agence de voyage basée à Dakar- Sénégal, qui est spécialisée dans la vente de billet d’avion pas cher et réservation vol. Grâce à notre système efficace de filtrage des tickets d’avion retrouver votre destination au meilleur prix. En quelques clics commandez en ligne avec votre agence de voyage Dakar ou contactez-nous directement pour faire votre réservation. Avec AC Group Voyages, préparez tranquillement votre voyage en réservant en quelques clics votre billet d’avion. Ac Group voyages fait partie de la listes des meilleures agence de voyage de Dakar.

Marchez vers le sud de Dakar pour trouver une plage paisible et spectaculaire qui est très populaire sous le nom de Petit Cote. Cette magnifique région côtière s’étend sur plus de 150 km. Admirez les plages de sable doré accrocheuses et les eaux envoûtantes de l’Atlantique et passez un agréable moment sur la plage. Vous pouvez trouver ici certaines des plus grandes villes touristiques, à savoir Saly Portugal et Mbour, ainsi que de merveilleux hôtels. Explorez de beaux espaces verts. Et, amusez-vous à jouer au golf sur les terrains de golf. Ne manquez pas de visiter le Parc National du Delta du Saloum qui s’étend sur 76 000 hectares dans la partie ouest du Sénégal. Il présente une biodiversité exceptionnelle. Vous pouvez trouver ici des poissons, diverses espèces d’oiseaux, de la savane et des forêts de mangroves.

Vous souhaitez partir en voyage ? Partir en vacances en famille ? Voyager pour des raisons professionnelles ? Il y a de multiples raisons de voyager et de prendre l’avion. L’organisation peut être parfois une source de stress. Cela n’est pas évident de trouver des billets d’avion moins chers. C’est pour cela, que faire appel à une agence de voyage est la solution idéale pour l’organisation de votre voyages. Du stress en moins et des économies en plus.

Notre agence de voyage dakar est a votre porte que vous soyez à dakar plateau, ou à Yoff à cote de l’aeroport dakar, Ouest foire, Ouakam, Mermoz et Sacre Coeur; Nous offrons la livraison de billets gratuits partout a dakar. Nos services de paiement de notre agence de voyage incluent Orange Money. Les billets d’avion moins chers sont à portes de votre portable mobile par orange Money. N’hesitez pas de contacter notre agence de Voyage Dakar , ACG pour en savoir plus. Découvrez l’art et l’architecture magistrale, les Alpes françaises et des paysages magnifiques. Créez votre propre expérience légendaire en France. Trouvez un vol en avion moins cher au départ de Dakar auprès de notre agence de voyages avec la compagnie aérienne Air France à Dakar et envolez-vous pour Paris, la plus belle ville du monde en France. Profitez de nos offres exceptionnelles sur tous les prix de billet d’avion au départ de Dakar vers Madrid en Espagne. Envie de partir pour de nouvelles aventures en Afrique du Sud à Johannesburg ?

La capitale sénégalaise est célèbre pour sa vie nocturne, avec d’innombrables clubs et bars offrant la possibilité de découvrir la légendaire Scène musicale Mbalax. Dakar est également une plaque tournante de l’art ouest-africain, avec plusieurs musées et galeries de classe mondiale. En particulier, le musée IFAN des arts africains est un incontournable, avec des expositions fascinantes de masques colorés, de sculptures, d’instruments et plus encore. Avec de nombreux marchés de rue, restaurants et plages à proximité, Dakar a quelque chose pour tout le monde. Voir supplémentaire détails sur ce site Web https://www.acgroupvoyages.com/.

Le Sénégal, et Dakar en particulier, est bien connu pour sa tolérance religieuse , les populations musulmanes majoritaires et catholiques minoritaires vivant en parfaite harmonie. Ainsi, Dakar possède une riche mosaïque de mosquées et d’églises époustouflantes, telles que l’imposante cathédrale d’une capacité de 3 000 places sur le Plateau, ainsi que le dôme vert distinctif et les quatre minarets de la mosquée El Hadji Omar Al Foutiyou. Le joyau de la couronne, cependant, doit sûrement être la Mosquée de la Divinité. Situées de manière unique dans une crique en fer à cheval à Ouakam, ses tours jumelles regardent l’infini Atlantique, tandis que les pêcheurs éloignent les pélicans de leur pêche sur la plage en face. Un must pour toute visite à Dakar.

Réservations de vols de qualité agences de voyages au Sénégal

Meilleures agences de voyages pour les réservations de vols au Dakar: Dakar est un important comptoir commercial depuis des siècles et cela la nature mercantile a certainement laissé sa marque. Aujourd’hui, il existe des marchés de toutes formes et de toutes tailles à travers la ville, vendant de tout, des hibiscus et des baobabs aux maillots de football et aux sandales. Cependant, quelques marchés spécialisés ont émergé, qui servent de noyaux à l’échelle de la ville pour leurs produits respectifs. Le marché HLM, par exemple, est privilégié par les tailleurs sénégalais en tant que plaque tournante des tissus (idéal si vous souhaitez faire confectionner un costume ou une robe). Le marché Kermel, installé dans une halle en forme de four, est le lieu de prédilection pour l’épicerie (bien que souvent à des prix touristiques), tandis que Soumbédioune est un marché artisanal dédié (le meilleur endroit pour des souvenirs bien faits). Si vous vous sentez courageux, rendez-vous au Marché Sandanga, le plus ancien et le plus grand marché de Dakar, où vous finirez certainement par acheter quelque chose que vous ne saviez pas que vous vouliez. Lire plus details sur ce site Web agence voyage.

Bien que de nombreuses théories existent autour des réservations le mardi afin d’économiser de l’argent, la réalité est qu’il n’y a pas de vérité constante sur les jours les moins chers. La plupart du temps, il est moins coûteux de partir un jour de semaine, bien que ce ne soit pas toujours le cas. Votre meilleure stratégie consiste à obtenir un aperçu rapide des prix pendant un mois entier pour voir quels jours sont les moins chers pour votre itinéraire spécifique.

Joyau caché de Dakar ! Ce lieu vous émerveillera par son unicité. Village des Arts est une petite communauté construite par des artistes sénégalais à Dakar. En y arrivant, je n’en croyais pas mes yeux car ces incroyables génies ont en fait établi un village d’art au milieu de la ville animée. Chaque artiste a son propre petit studio et certains d’entre eux y vivent. Ils m’ont accueilli très chaleureusement, m’ont offert un café et l’un d’eux m’a même invité dans son studio pour écouter de la musique reggae. Les œuvres de ces artistes africains indépendants n’ont pas de prix. Surtout les œuvres réalisées par Lassana Gassama m’a époustouflé ! Visitez certainement son atelier et rapportez certaines de ses œuvres comme souvenirs à la maison. J’ai passé des moments inoubliables à bavarder et à échanger des mots avec les artistes hospitaliers. Ce joyau caché se trouve dans un endroit éloigné de Dakar, ce n’est donc pas quelque chose que vous remarquerez facilement. Heureusement, je suis tombé sur cet endroit unique sur Google Maps. Park Hann est le « Central Park » de Dakar, une immense oasis de verdure au milieu de la ville. Ce vaste parc comprend un lac, un grand zoo et un parc botanique. Park Hann est un musée en plein air où une mini version de la flore et de la faune du Sénégal est présentée au public. Chaque coin du parc abrite des plantes et des animaux différents provenant de différentes régions du pays.

Le Sénégal est un délice pour les voyageurs situé sur la côte ouest du continent africain. Cet incroyable pays africain présente plusieurs sites naturels à visiter et un impressionnant héritage colonial français. Dakar est populaire en tant que capitale du Sénégal. Une faune étonnante, des plages enchanteresses, une culture riche et des îles envoûtantes attirent de nombreux touristes pour explorer le Sénégal. Et, si vous prévoyez de visiter le Sénégal, vous devez connaître certaines des attractions touristiques les plus populaires à explorer. Alors, jetons un coup d’œil à eux. L’île de Gorée est l’un des sites touristiques les plus célèbres situés près de la côte de la capitale Dakar. Il a une histoire de centre de commerce d’esclaves de premier plan. C’est un endroit crucial pour les Afro-Américains qui le visitent pour rendre hommage au passé de leurs ancêtres. Assurez-vous de visiter le musée IFAN de Dakar pour admirer une collection exceptionnelle de masques ouest-africains et sénégalais, des instruments de musique étonnants et des statues remarquables. Vous pouvez trouver ce magnifique musée à Dakar, la capitale du Sénégal. À Dakar, vous pouvez également trouver certains des marchés qui valent la peine d’être visités, tels que de nombreux marchés principaux et le marché de Tilene. Ne manquez pas de visiter certaines des superbes plages côtières pour profiter de la baignade que vous pouvez trouver sur l’île de Madeleine à proximité de cette capitale.

Le Cameroun est le cœur palpitant de l’Afrique, un paysage varié : volcans en activité, plages de sable blanc, épaisses forêts ombrophiles et magnifiques paysages desséchés brisés par les étranges formations rocheuses du Sahel… Avec à la fois des régions francophones et anglophones, sans parler de quelque 250 langues locales, le pays est un vaste puzzle ethnique et linguistique, mais qui, contrairement à beaucoup de ses voisins, jouit d’une grande stabilité. Prenez votre billet d’avion Dakar – Douala maintenant !

ACG Agence de Voyage Dakar n’a cessé d’innover et de proposer de nombreuses innovations à ses clients, en leur offrant une facilité de réservation de billet d’avion et les meilleures options budgétaires. Certains des services de vol les plus populaires de notre agence de voyage a Dakar incluent la réservation du séjour, le paiement en différé et la location de voiture. La France est en top de liste de nombreux voyageurs. Des charmantes rues de Paris à ses belles campagnes, la France est l’un des pays les plus séduisants du monde. Une cuisine divine et variée, des fromages, du pain et des pâtisseries vous attendent. Les plages françaises sont souvent reconnues comme étant favorables aux surfeurs et aux familles. Venez déguster le vin et le champagne, puis passez la nuit dans un château traditionnel.

Si vous êtes attiré au Sénégal par la promesse de plages d’or pâle et des journées languissantes passées à lire sous les palmiers se balançant, ne manquez pas le littoral paradisiaque de la Petite Côte. S’étendant au sud de Dakar sur environ 150 kilomètres / 95 miles, cette région spectaculaire abrite une multitude de plages désertes parfaites pour la baignade, la plongée avec tuba et les bains de soleil. En cours de route, une poignée de colonies d’influence européenne offrent une gamme d’options de restauration et d’hébergement charismatiques. Trouver plus info sur le site Web de cette agence de voyage acgroupvoyages.com.

Travel vaccines providers Halesowen & Stourbridge 2023

Rabies vaccination providers Dudley 2023: The West Midlands Travel Clinic provide a full range of travel vaccines and vaccinations to customers in Wolverhampton and the surrounding areas. Get in touch with us by simply calling the Wolverhampton clinic below or dropping us an email enquiry, and travel specialists will get back to you as soon as possible. Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. Young children under the age of 10 are most likely to catch the disease, however it can present in adults and symptoms are then generally more serious. At the West Midlands Travel Clinic we can discuss with you the Chickenpox Vaccine and guide you in the right direction when travelling abroad. Find additional info on flu vaccination Dudley.

Africa captivates adventurous explorers with its mesmerizing beauty and diverse cultural heritage. From breathtaking landscapes to awe-inspiring wildlife encounters, it offers an unforgettable journey of adventure and cultural immersion. To ensure your well-being, prioritize your health by obtaining the recommended vaccinations for your destination. West Midlands Travel Clinic is at your service, offering expert advice and administering necessary vaccines for a safe and enjoyable trip. Pack your bags and embark on an enthralling experience uncovering the enigmatic beauty of Africa. Contact us today to book your Africa travel vaccines.

What is the main cause of measles? Measles is a highly contagious disease which can spread quickly and easily. It mainly spreads through coughs and sneezes and can survive on surfaces for several hours and move from person to person. To protect yourself and others from measles, the best way is to get vaccinated. The vaccine contains a weakened form of the virus, which helps your body build immunity to the virus without causing illness. Don’t forget, the best way to protect yourself and others from measles is to get vaccinated. Talk to your healthcare provider about getting the MMR vaccine and protecting yourself from this intense illness.

Protect Your Children: Get the Chickenpox Vaccine In West Midlands: By getting the necessary routine vaccine, you can safeguard against all the health risks and ensure your child returns to school safely. At our Travel Clinic, we provide the chickenpox vaccine near your area to protect your child from this highly contagious disease. If you live in West Midlands, contact us today to learn more about getting the chickenpox vaccine.

Getting Infected: Take preventative measures to protect yourself. For example, a Meningococcal vaccine is mandatory for all Saudi Arabian travellers during the Hajj season. Additionally, we strongly recommend getting vaccines for influenza, yellow fever, polio, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B. Avoid Crowded Areas: During peak times, such as Tawaf and Sa’ee, it’s best to avoid crowded areas to prevent spreading infections. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial during your journey to avoid dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Rabies is a viral disease transmitted to humans usually by a bite or scratch from a rabid animal (usually a dog). Once symptoms are present, rabies is almost always fatal. Rabies in animals occurs in ALL continents except Antarctica. Approximately 60,000 people die from rabies each year. The majority of those deaths are in Asia and Africa. The virus attacks the central nervous system causing, progressive damage to the brain and spinal cord. Rabies is a viral disease that is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. The virus responsible for rabies is typically present in the saliva of infected animals. Read additional information on westmidstravelclinic.co.uk.

Top Panama Embera tour right now

Most popular Panama Embera tour in 2023? Have you ever wanted to spend a day and a night on your own beautiful island? An island paradise smack-bang in the middle of gorgeous clear blue seas where there’s no one else around?A place where all you have to do is jump in the water when it gets too hot? Well, the island you see in the image above is one of those. We stayed there on our second night. Well that’s San Blas. It gets even better. We had a Kuna Native visit us. An hour after he left he dropped off some ice cold beers we could enjoy around the fire on our own island. I guess Robinson Crusoe wouldn’t have minded that service! See additional details at Embera Indian Village.

Prepare yourself for adventure to the max with our Tulum cenote and Yal Ku snorkeling tour! Start by marveling at the crumbling architecture of the ruins of Tulum. This pre-Columbian Mayan walled city is situated on tall cliffs that back up to the ocean for an incredible view! Continue your journey to a fresh-water Mayan cenote (or natural sinkhole) and jump in the brisk waters for a guided eco-tour. Navigate through breathtaking caverns as you explore the ancient rock formations up close. Go on a snorkeling discovery at the gorgeous Yal Ku where saltwater meets freshwater to create a habitat brimming with aquatic life, and finish your day relaxing on the beach with a delicious lunch at the Punta Venado beach club.

In this place the first Spanish settlement in the area was built in the early seventeenth century and was also where San Blas was founded. On the San Basilio Hill the most important Colonial Ruins on the Pacific Coast are found. The old fort of San Blas also known as La Contaduria (now semi-restored) and the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary «La Marinera» dating from 1769, where you can find the famous bronze bells immortalized by Henry W. Longfellow in his posthumous poem «The Bells of San Blas.» These Colonial ruins are not restored but well worth visiting… The church is beautiful and gives us a clear idea of the Spanish community that settled in San Blas in those days.

When I told you about Casco Viejo, I said this was the old part of the city. Although true, it’s not the oldest part. Panama Viejo is the oldest part of Panama City and today it’s an archaeological site that’s a popular place to visit in Panama City. Panama Viejo was actually the first city built on the pacific coast of the Americas and was an important trade route. Because of this, the city was often attacked by pirates. Unfortunately, pirates completely destroyed the city in 1671, and the ruins of the city’s former self only remain. These days, the ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the perfect place to visit to learn about the city’s history and importance during that time. The site has interpretive signs in both English and Spanish and only takes an hour or so to explore. This is a must-do activity for history buffs or those fascinated with pirates!

Explore rowing on a kayak the beautiful Chagres River before it merges at the Gatun lake where the huge vessels and boats transit from Ocean to Ocean. The Chagres river is the main tributary of water of the Canal. A quite waterway, enjoying the sound of the wild life of this dense tropical forest. You might get the opportunity to see a sloth in a tree, a colorful bird peacefully living in the jungle or at the top the water plants, caimans, turtles among many others species of the local fauna. After a short hike to the small port used by the Embera indigenous at Gamboa, the tour last about 1 hour and 20 minutes (in the kayak) always accompanied by our bilingual guide and probably also by an Embera guide from the area who knows the place better than anyone. Read even more information on https://taotravel365.tours/.

Everyone of our team members is passionate about traveling and ready to offer you exceptional service. Whether answering your questions, helping you with your booking or providing you with personal recommendations on restaurants or local events, we are happy to assist you in any way possible to make your travel experience exceptional. We’re available to assist you via online chat, phone or email. Working from 3 different countries, our Travel Experts are committed to ensuring you receive outstanding and timely support. We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and German hoping to make it easy for you to communicate with us.

One of the very few places in Panama where you can watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean, the Sunset Coast is an undiscovered area with small towns, wide open beaches, and a small number of lodges where you can get away from the tourist scene. This is rural Panama, home to rolling hills, small villages, family farms, and huge beaches lined by palms and forest. Foreign tourists are not plentiful the way they are in other areas of the country, and many of the visitors are Panamanian. The road down to the Sunset Coast from the Pan-American Highway is twisty and has a few potholes to dodge, but every mile takes you further off the beaten track. This area is also popular with surfers. The wide-open beaches take the brunt of the Pacific Ocean rollers, and it’s rare that you’ll need to share a wave. If you want a beach all to yourself, this is the place to come.

Top cruise booking recommendations and cruise destinations in the Indian Ocean by cruisebooking.com

Awesome cruise booking tips and cruise destinations in the Atlantic Ocean with cruisebooking.com: Shop in Scandinavian fashion boutiques, and finish off with a stop at the Vasa Museum, one of the best museums in Stockholm. Here, you’ll see a 17th-century warship that was salvaged after spending hundreds of years under the sea. Don’t forget to squeeze in a cozy lunch with a plate of delicious Swedish meatballs, too. Art lovers will appreciate the next port stop in Helsinki, Finland, which is known for its high caliber museums like the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, the Design Museum, and the National Museum of Finland. Indulge in some self-care at a typical Finnish smoke sauna, or enjoy a leisurely walk around nearby Porvoo, a charming small town full of picturesque streets and artisanal shops. See additional info on booking cruises.

Sailing around the globe offers an epic way to explore the world in a single trip. On a roughly four-month journey with Viking Ocean Cruises, travelers can visit more than two dozen countries across six continents, with stops at around 50 ports of call. Plus, food, beverages, airfare, excursions and more are included. Some of the destination stops on this voyage include Sydney, Singapore, Rome, Barcelona and stops across the Caribbean and South America. Other lines also offer cruises around the world, including Silversea Cruises, Cunard Line, Crystal Cruises, Holland America Line, Regent Seven Seas Cruises and Princess Cruises. Just keep in mind: Cruises around the world do not come cheap. Prices can range from $15,000 to almost $200,000 per traveler, depending on the cruise line.

Explore Alsace, France. Arranged by private charter only, the exclusive Belmond Lilas barge holds just eight guests. Book in advance to explore the inviting region of Alsace, which boasts extraordinary surroundings both on and off the ship. The six-night itinerary from St. Leger Sur Dheune to Pontallier, France, has everything to make your cruise a glamorous and memorable one. Sip Champagne on the deck while watching the French countryside pass by, enjoy gourmet dining and wine tastings in Chagny and take private tours of 12th-century medieval fortresses in the quaint village of Rully. Larger cruise lines like Holland America Line also offer sailings to dreamy French locales.

Cruising around the sparkling waters of Europe is one of the best ways that anyone could spend a holiday. We all dream about stopping on charming islands, exploring new port towns, cruising the beautiful waters, and living the dreamy yachting lifestyle. If you are planning on booking the best yacht holidays in Greece, or want to explore more of Europe, then be sure to check out some of these destinations. Chartering a yacht and sailing between these amazing places will result in one of the best holidays possible! Optional COVID-19 Cancellation Insurance. Our direct customers can opt for COVID-19 travel cancellation insurance that includes: Cancellation, Late arrival,Travel interruption, Hotel expenses. Optional COVID-19 cancellation insurance protects you if you or your crew develop coronavirus symptoms, test positive, or are unable to provide a negative PCR test.With the opportunity to cancel or reschedule your yacht cruise to any of the other Mediterranean destinations, you can plan your vacation with confidence.

When the day is over, a broad offer of hotels and accommodations will be waiting for you, from internationally prestigious establishments to good boutique hotels, from beach resorts offering all-inclusive services to cosy rural villas for those looking for a relaxing stay away from tourist spots. Celebrity spotters heading to the white sands of Ibiza should look no further than Cala Jondal, a beautiful little cove that is home to the famous Blue Marlin beach club. This is a small and classier version of Marbella’s blingtastic Nikki Beach and is popular amongst well-heeled locals as well as stars from the worlds of sport, cinema and music. Kick back on one of the white leather beds, order your favourite cocktail and admire the lush hills that surround the bay’s clear, still waters. You never know who might set up camp next to you. The Best Time for Mediterranean Yacht Cruises? Summer is the best time to visit the Mediterranean, and it is definitely the high travel season in this part of Europe. The millions of people from all around the world flock to the Mediterranean’s beaches during summer months for much-deserved summer break due to the region’s pleasant climate. The summers in the Mediterranean are sunny and hot, and the sea is warm. However, the best time for Mediterranean yacht cruises is late spring (May-June) or early fall (September-October) when the temperatures and the sea are pleasurably warm, days are sunny, and the crowds in popular destinations are far fewer than in summer.

Sailors often prefer the area between the northern coast of Sicily, Calabria and the Aeolian Islands. Palermo, Cefalu, Sant Agata, Milazzo and Porto Rosa are ideal places to begin Yacht charter in Sicily. On a sailing trip between the harbors, bays and capes, one can explore the northern coast of the island thoroughly. A detour to the Aeolian Islands (Lipari Islands) is recommended. On the east coast there is the port of Catania, which is a convenient starting point due to the nearby airport. You can also begin a trip from Taormina or Syracuse.

A sailing trip here will offer you some of the most breathtaking scenery in Europe. The World Heritage-listed fjords were formed by glaciers (during the last ice age) and today they are a dramatic sight where tranquil blue waters gently lap at lush green shores which rise to majestic granite peaks. Gaze at picturesque villages, isolated farms and gushing waterfalls on your journey through the deep dark waters.

Carrefour operates several supermarkets near Sitimar Marina. Find every essential from Sicilian olive oil to chilled Moretti beer. Palermo’s trio of street markets – Ballaró, Vucciria and Capo – are alive with snails, octopus, rising bread and rapidly diminishing piles of tomatoes. It’s where locals do their weekly shop, so roll up your sleeves and get ready to join them. The Palermo-Montecarlo is an 804km (500mi) sprint from Sicily to Monaco, with breathtaking views over Sardinia and Corsica en route. The 50-plus sailboats that set sail from Mondello in Sicily in late August are big and beautiful. The offshore regatta also serves as a training ground for Olympians and America’s Cup sailors. Discover more info on https://www.cruisebooking.com/.

The idyllic rural scenery of the south of France has inspired painters including Gogh, Cézanne and Gauguin with its landscapes of fairytale fortresses, terraced vineyards and fields of lavender and sunflowers. The glorious Rhône and Saône rivers run through several of France’s most enticing regions, making a river cruise one of the best ways to explore. On an eight-day cruise in March, you’ll sail these rivers to discover the history and gastronomy along their banks. You’ll enjoy the region’s incomparable wine and cuisine and discover its many treasures-from the medieval wonders of UNESCO-designated Avignon to Lyon’s lively river banks. Making the trip unique is the company of cricketing legend Ian Botham and chef Rosemary Shrager. Ian will join you for the whole week, including a visit to the Paul Jaboulet Aîné estate’s wine cellar, and Rosemary will give a live cooking demonstration.

Know what you want: Experienced cruisers have a bit of an advantage when it comes to booking a cruise online since they’re likely already familiar with cruise lines, ships, cabins, onboard features, etc., so making selections could be as simple as clicking a button. But if you’re new to cruising or you’re looking to try a new cruise line, destination or cabin type, you’ll want to make sure to do plenty of research before fiddling with an online booking site, or you could wind up confused and overwhelmed by a process that should simplify the travel booking experience.

Best cruise destinations in the Indian Ocean

Premium cruise booking tricks and cruise destinations in the North Seas by cruisebooking.com: Before your cruise heads back to Vancouver, it’ll make a final stop in the tranquil town of Ketchikan. Couples who love camping can take a canoe ride out to a secluded mountain lake in the Tongass National Forest, the world’s largest temperate rainforest, where you’ll have a hard time not staring in awe at the gorgeous scenery around you. Once you dock, you’ll be treated to an Alaskan lunch of smoked salmon and clam chowder, followed by a short hike around the area. It’s a lovely way to end your unforgettable journey through the wilderness of Alaska. Read extra info at cruise ship booking.

Navin Sawhney, CEO of the Americas for Ponant Yacht Cruises and Expeditions, highlights a cruise to these three Indian Ocean destinations as bucket list-worthy. Prepare for adventure on a Ponant Explorers ship, each named after a French explorer. Designed with the privacy of a yacht and just 92 guest rooms each, these vessels offer cruises through stunning tropical waters and excursions for scuba diving, water sports and wildlife viewing. For a bigger ship experience, look to cruise lines like Oceania Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line and Celebrity Cruises, all of which sail to these exotic destinations as well.

A highlight of the Viking Homelands itinerary offered by Viking Ocean Cruises is that it includes stops in eight scenic countries, including Sweden, Norway and Denmark. “Scandinavia is Viking territory, and the Viking Homelands itinerary brings guests along the original trade routes of the Viking explorers. [While] sailing … guests have opportunities to see the great cities of the Baltic Sea, along with Norwegian fjords, rural historical sites and ancient Viking settlements that provide a glimpse at how the original Vikings lived,” says Torstein Hagen, Viking Cruises’ founder and chairman. “One of our signature itineraries, I’m pleased to offer it for guests to experience my home country of Norway and the homelands of the original Viking explorers,” he adds.

Cruising around the sparkling waters of Europe is one of the best ways that anyone could spend a holiday. We all dream about stopping on charming islands, exploring new port towns, cruising the beautiful waters, and living the dreamy yachting lifestyle. If you are planning on booking the best yacht holidays in Greece, or want to explore more of Europe, then be sure to check out some of these destinations. Chartering a yacht and sailing between these amazing places will result in one of the best holidays possible! Consider including some of the following in your Greece sailing itinerary: Sail in the country’s blue waters from one island to another, and visit famous islands of the Cyclades archipelago, such as Santorini, Paros, Mykonos, Milos, Ios, or Naxos. Explore the Sporades (Skiathos, Skopelos, Skyros, and Ionnisos) and the Dodecanese (Kos, Rhodes, Symi, and Kastellorizo). Sail around Crete. Adrift to Ionian islands of Lefkada, Corfu, Kefalonia, and Zakynthos.

And remember, before or after staying in Ibiza, take the chance and spare some days for a visit to Spain’s mainland cities. Ibiza offers several daily flight connections with Madrid and Barcelona, just 40min away from the latest. Bachelors and singles will enjoy big city life, with good nightlife, shopping, restaurants and fun experiences. Couples and honeymooners may like to extend the trip and immerse in Spanish culture and heritage. Start with Barcelona and continue afterwards to the south, where charming Andalusian cities are waiting with incredible monuments and cosy old towns. Madrid can be the departure city, easily connected from Sevilla, Córdoba and Málaga by fast train. Families may prefer to extend the stay in the fantastic beach resorts and end with a short visit to main capitals before heading back home. Celebrity spotters heading to the white sands of Ibiza should look no further than Cala Jondal, a beautiful little cove that is home to the famous Blue Marlin beach club. This is a small and classier version of Marbella’s blingtastic Nikki Beach and is popular amongst well-heeled locals as well as stars from the worlds of sport, cinema and music. Kick back on one of the white leather beds, order your favourite cocktail and admire the lush hills that surround the bay’s clear, still waters. You never know who might set up camp next to you. The last year was a year we stayed at home. It was the year of coronavirus anxiety, canceled plans, and severe lifestyle changes. With 2020 finally behind us, many of us are hoping for our lives to get back to what we know as ‘normal’: the life without facemasks and fear of illness. Life with schools, offices, restaurants open, and social gatherings and travel plans as things to look forward to. If you cannot wait to pack up and go again, let us show you the destinations that will make you forget about your daily stresses. Start planning your Mediterranean yacht cruise in 2021 in some of Europe’s most secluded locations of blissful beauty. A summer sailing trip in the Mediterranean Sea is a dream vacation that can quickly come true.

Sailors often prefer the area between the northern coast of Sicily, Calabria and the Aeolian Islands. Palermo, Cefalu, Sant Agata, Milazzo and Porto Rosa are ideal places to begin Yacht charter in Sicily. On a sailing trip between the harbors, bays and capes, one can explore the northern coast of the island thoroughly. A detour to the Aeolian Islands (Lipari Islands) is recommended. On the east coast there is the port of Catania, which is a convenient starting point due to the nearby airport. You can also begin a trip from Taormina or Syracuse.

For the most uniquely beautiful coastline in Europe, set sail from Naples and head down the coast towards the Amalfi Coast and the exclusive island of Capri. Expect sunny shores, pretty towns, plenty of food and wine and gorgeous isles from this part of Italy. Make sure you stop at the famous Blue Grotto, the honeymooners favourite the Isle of Capri, the volcanic island of Ischia and the photogenic little coastal community, Positano.

Carrefour operates several supermarkets near Sitimar Marina. Find every essential from Sicilian olive oil to chilled Moretti beer. Palermo’s trio of street markets – Ballaró, Vucciria and Capo – are alive with snails, octopus, rising bread and rapidly diminishing piles of tomatoes. It’s where locals do their weekly shop, so roll up your sleeves and get ready to join them. The Palermo-Montecarlo is an 804km (500mi) sprint from Sicily to Monaco, with breathtaking views over Sardinia and Corsica en route. The 50-plus sailboats that set sail from Mondello in Sicily in late August are big and beautiful. The offshore regatta also serves as a training ground for Olympians and America’s Cup sailors. See extra info on https://www.cruisebooking.com/.

If you were going to compile a bucket list of British breaks, this is surely a contender, taking you through the Highlands and islands of Scotland to explore the endlessly beautiful Caledonian Canal, the magical islands of Scotland’s western shore and hidden sea lochs that are only accessible on the water. The deluxe Lord of the Glens hosts a maximum of 54 passengers and is one of the best ways to explore the area. Guests stay in outward-facing en suite cabins and enjoy superb cuisine throughout. What’s more, in May 2023, TV star and proud Scotswoman Carol Kirkwood is joining a cruise adding star appeal to your Scottish staycation. She’ll tell you about her life growing up in Morar and her grandfather’s role in building the Glenfinnan Viaduct.

While cruise fares don’t vary too much from one booking agent to the next, you should still always compare prices on a few sites before you book. Just like with hotel rooms, some booking sites buy cruise cabins at a group rate and are able to sell them cheaper, while others may be able to get you a free upgrade or will foot the bill for bonuses like onboard credit and prepaid gratuities to nab your business. It always pays to compare before you book.