Jim's Articles

Muscle relaxation massage benefits

Muscle relaxation massage recommendations for a fine health? Reduces Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue. Massage therapy has been shown to help decrease stress, eliminate depression and improve fatigue. Studies have found that the presence of depression is often triggered by active and chronic pain and that depression alone leads to muscle tension and pain which can be very painful to live with on a daily basis.

Reflexology. Reflexology uses gentle to firm pressure on different pressure points of the feet, hands, and ears. A good option if you’re uncomfortable being touched over your entire body as you can also be fully clothed during this type of massage.

A hot stone massage can help treat muscle injuries. A hot stone massage involves the use of heated stones, usually comprising basalt. Basalt is a type of volcanic rock with a high iron content, which allows it to hold in heat well. A massage therapist will heat the stones in hot water before placing them on different areas of the body. They may also hold the stones while performing a variety of other massage techniques. Hot stone massage provides heat to the body’s muscles. This can help treat muscle injuries, as it relaxes them and increases blood flow to the area. This, in turn, can help reduce stiffness and discomfort. See a few more info at https://msgkor.com/.

Physical Touch Eases Discomfort. Many patients who enter hospice care are already in a fragile, vulnerable state where traditional massage therapy is no longer called for. At this point, something as simple as gentle touch — a foot massage or massaging the scalp — is the most compassionate thing a caregiver can offer. It provides the patient with an opportunity to relax in whatever way they need most.

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핫 스톤 마사지. 이 유형의 치료 마사지는 스웨덴 식 마사지와 유사하며, 마사지 치료사 만이 손 대신 또는 가열 된 돌을 사용합니다. 핫 스톤 마사지는 근육통과 긴장이 있거나 단순히 긴장을 풀고 싶은 사람들에게 가장 좋습니다.

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마사지 요법은 불안과 우울증을 완화시킬 수 있습니다. 말기 환자는 상당한 정도의 심리적 고통을 경험하는데, 이는 불안과 우울증을 유발할 수 있습니다. 수명이 다한 환자에서 우울증을 치료하는 데 가장 큰 장벽 중 하나는이 환자들 사이에서 보편적 인 경험이라는 믿음입니다. 그러나 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute와 Brigham and Women ‘s Hospital의 연구에 따르면, 대부분의 호스피스 환자는 긍정적 인 기분 상태를 경험할 수 있습니다. 호스피스 마사지는 스트레스를 줄이고 감정적 균형을 촉진하여 이러한 환자와 다른 환자의 일시적인 불안과 우울증 증상을 완화시킵니다.