Jim's Articles

Rainwater storage management system guides

Looking for the best ground rain water management system that you can purchase online? Here are some tips to pick the best soakaway crates for drainage system. Taking into account the soil conditions, sizes of available crates, and the estimated water flow rate, you can start by excavating the site where you plan to install the soakaway crates. After doing this, you can then level the ground. This is necessary to ensure it is stable.

Due to the popularity of drainage systems such as the soakaway and French drain, there are now quite a few products available on the market that have taken the principals of construction of the affore mentioned drainage types and refined them. One such product is known as the Soakaway Crate (or sometimes known as Aquablocks, water blocks or soakaway drainage crates). These are very handy products in that they effectively take the place of the rubble infill in the soakaway pit. They look very similar to large milk crates but with a bit more constructive stability and are purchased in a flat pack form that you then simply clip together to form a box shape.

If your soakaway is located under a patio or driveway then the cost to lift and re-lay the material could be more than the soakaway itself. The price depends on what type of surface you have; blocks, concrete, tarmac, patio slabs etc. Mini digger hire isn’t included in our price guide. If you need to dig deep, it will cost you more. How deep will depend on your garden, elevated locations are an issue for soakaway construction as you’ll need to dig deep. Ease of access is also a key issue. If you don’t have direct access to the location of the soakaway, then your tradespeople may have to go through the house or via a neighbour’s property. This will add time and cost to the project.

Stable Design: Interlocks vertically and horizontally for maximum stability, avoid the whole system from floating. Fast Installation: The built-in socket and ports bring extremely convenience of quick installation. High Void Ratio: 96% void ratio providing greater water storage capacity with reduced excavation and disposal costs. High Compression Load: Resisting stretch and extrusion by fully utilizing triangle’s stability and round shape. Unique Columnar Construction: Adopt cylinder-shaped construction, suitable for non-trafficked, trafficked or heavily trafficked application. Structural integration: Distributing the loaded weight on to all the plates, fully utilized the effect of each plate. Read extra details at Polypipe Polystorm Cells.

Clean windshields with the best streakfree washable reusable cloth

We produce a chemical free cleaning cloth that cleans any surface streak free, spot free, lint free with just water, washable and reusable for 3 years. This is the original streakfree cloth american made. Cleans mirrors, glass, windshields, stainless steel, granite top counters spot free lint free. The most amazing cleaning cloth ever, clean almost everything with just water. See more info on Streakfree washable reusable cloth.

I only use the microfiber cloth for streaks left from cleaning up smudges or food on my refrig. I use a soft cloth sprayed with stainless cleaner for overall cleaning of appliances. I use Streak Free cloths for everything else: dusting, mirrors, windows. Some stainless is harder to clean than others.

These really are magic. I cut and used one small (about 5″x5″) piece and now I have the cleanest tablets, TVs, phone, windows and mirrors I’ve ever had. Then I found many other uses, including fingerprints on doors and walls, my non-stainless appliances, faucets and spigots, my digital clocks, and windowsills. I just carried it around and cleaned any little thing that needed it. I cleaned everything with just a little water. Then I put a little dishwashing liquid on it to wash it out, and, yes it did show a lot of dirt still, but I pressed it between paper towels and no dirt transferred. Later in the day I picked it up again and it worked just as well. I think these 3 big cloths will last me several years, at least, and my bottle of Windex will last much much longer than that!

The Streak Free Microfiber Cloth fiber is made from a special yarn that is 0.1 denier, an ultra fine Micro fiber. This filament is very fine, strong and is virtually lint-free. The wedge-shaped polyester shown in this cross section, together with the core nylon, fits the surface of any object and gathers dust efficiently.

Millions of tiny ‘scoops’ pull dirt and dust up inside the cloth where they remain until washed away. Results are clean, streak free surfaces. Using water helps emulsify dirt & oil making it easier for the micro fiber cloth to pick it up. Its high absorbency will quickly clean up spills. Source: https://streakfreexl.com/.

Entreprise de nettoyage – Ajol Paris

A few cleaning advices and a high quality recommendation if you are looking for cleaning services in Paris. If you need a quality pet stain or odor removal service that you can count on, then you have come to the right place! Our customers continue to choose us as their carpet cleaning provider because they know that we work diligently to get the job done. Our crew has the knowledge and experience to tackle both pet stain and odor problem issues. Our cleaning solutions are non-toxic to you, your pets and your family. Beware: Pet urine can in fact cause permanent staining on your carpet and upholstery! The urine is initially in a slightly acidic state — it is much easier to clean when fresh and can typically be treated with a “stage 1” topical treatment. Once it dries, it turns alkaline and becomes much more difficult to remove. If left for days, weeks or several months the urine can permanently change the dye structure, causing dye loss or a bleaching effect, which results in permanent staining. Even if the soluble deposits are removed, the damage to the dye structure may already be done.

Vacuum slowly enough to get out as much dirt as possible. Make one quick pass over low-traffic areas and two slow passes over high-traffic areas. Two slow passes removes ground-in dirt more effectively than several fast passes. Use walk-off mats inside and out to keep dirt off the carpeting. Coarse-textured mats outside your doors remove soil and will make a how to clean carpet project easier. Water-absorbent mats inside prevent wet shoes on the carpeting.

For our french guests:

La plupart des fabricants de tapis recommandent les professionnels l’extraction de l’eau comme methode de nettoyage principale pour les tapis synthetiques. Bien qu’on parle souvent de «nettoyage a la vapeur», il n’ya pas de vapeur. Le tapis est pretraite avec une solution de detergent, puis une solution de rincage tres chaude sous haute pression est forcee dans votre tapis et aspiree. Lorsque cela est fait correctement, ce processus nettoie en profondeur et ne laisse pas de residus de savon. Les professionnels de la qualite chargent de 300 a 500 dollars US pour nettoyer en profondeur 1 000 pieds carres de tapis. A ce prix-la, vous pourriez etre tente d’eviter completement les nettoyages professionnels et de simplement louer une machine pour nettoyer vous-meme le tapis. Ne pas. Ou du moins ne fais pas que ca. Une machine de nettoyage de tapis louee ou achetee enlevera la salete de surface. Mais le nettoyage en profondeur pour eliminer les allergenes, la poussiere et les residus graisseux necessite un equipement specialise et la formation d’un professionnel. La meilleure strategie consiste a utiliser notre methode de bricolage pour nettoyer les conseils de nettoyage de tapis, la plupart du temps, et a embaucher un professionnel tous les 12 a 18 mois.

Quelques conseils de nettoyage: Utilisez des collants pour empecher votre aspirateur d’aspirer des pieces: ne jetez pas ces collants a l’echelle! Economisez de l’argent et de petits objets precieux en utilisant le pied d’une paire de collants sur votre buse d’aspirateur. Il attrapera tout changement, bandes de cheveux et autres mors avant qu’ils ne soient aspires. Nettoyez votre four a micro-ondes naturellement avec une tasse d’eau: si votre micro-ondes ne semble pas hygienique apres une explosion d’explosions de nourriture, ne paniquez pas – vous pouvez le nettoyer gratuitement en un tour de main. Il suffit de verser une tasse d’eau resistant a la chaleur avec un demi-citron et son jus au micro-ondes a intensite maximale pendant une minute ou deux. 1. Laissez le melange dans le four a micro-ondes avec la porte fermee pendant 5 minutes pour que la vapeur fonctionne, puis essuyez facilement l’interieur de votre four a micro-ondes. Le citron laissera toute votre cuisine sentira propre et frais!

Cela signifie que personne ne peut garantir l’elimination complete de toutes les taches d’urine. Dans les cas graves ou l’urine de l’animal de compagnie recouvre plus de 30% d’une piece, il peut s’averer plus rentable de remplacer le tapis et le rembourrage. Veillez a agir rapidement et a nettoyer les accidents de votre animal des que possible ou a planifier un nettoyage professionnel. Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser une recette maison lors du nettoyage apres vos animaux de compagnie. La majorite des nettoyants en vente libre sur le marche peuvent etre trop durs et faire plus de mal que de bien. Voici un lien vers quelques bonnes alternatives a ce que vous pourriez voir dans votre epicerie locale.

Chemical free cleaning cloth online shopping

We market a chemical free cleaning cloth that cleans any surface streak free, spot free, lint free with just water, washable and reusable for 3 years. This is the original streakfree cloth made in USA. Cleans mirrors, glass, windshields, stainless steel, granite top counters spot free lint free. The most incredible cleaning cloth ever, clean almost everything with just water. Read extra details at Chemical free cleaning cloth.

Most things that seem too good to be true, usually aren’t. However, these “towels” aren’t one of those things. I was skeptical, but after using them to clean my car windows, I’m a believer! Simply amazing! Just wet it, wring it out, and go to town. NO STREAKS!!!!!!!!! I recently spent $8 on a dedicated class cleaner that works pretty well, but this is just tons easier and does a better job. I still can’t believe how easy it was to *finally* get clean, streak free windows!

I have no idea how these work, they just do. I have cleaned over a dozen windows, my oven front, microwave, dishwasher, just trying to prove that these aren’t so darn amazing. Finally, my glass cooktop, I love to cook and it always looks bad even when I clean it. I pre-cleaned first to remove the grease and crumbs, it was still covered in smears. Then I wiped it with this cloth, wait, wait, wow! I believe the “lint” problem is the accumulated dust, once I rinsed well with plain water the lint was not a problem. I plan to wipe down the outside windows which are very dirty, then use the cloth to finish, that seems to work best and keeps the cloth cleaner. It is cloth, but very thin, almost stiff like paper, I couldn’t get it to rip. I will be giving these out this Christmas in my “favorites of the year” basket that I give to my children every year.

I had been using a chemical-based glass cleaning product for years, but often I’d still have streaks after I finished cleaning. Comparatively, the StreakFree really does give my windows a smear-free finish. Plus, I really like the idea that it’s totally natural and therefore safer for us and my baby. What’s really awesome is that it’s reusable so it can save you money in the long run. And you don’t have to use paper towels, so it’s great for the environment.

Machine wash with laundry detergent or hand wash with dish soap in hot water. Rinse thoroughly. Using bleach will shorten the life of your micro fiber cloths. Do not use fabric softener (fabric softener leaves a film on the cloth and decreases its effectiveness). Be careful when machine washing or drying in mixed loads as micro fiber cloths will pick up lint from other fabrics. Air-dry or put in dryer on low to medium heat. Source: https://streakfreexl.com/.

Craft premium coffee blends online store and help lemurs

The scent of hot tea on a cold day, is there anything even remotely better ? There are various of coffee types, some are bad, some are good but some manually selected tea leaves and coffee beans are just amazing. We encourage creativity and innovation by supporting farmers in coffee flavour enhancement. If farmers can produce honeyed and natural coffees, micro lots and stand out single varietals then they can add value to the cup and their prices. Some of our coffees are pre-financed by organisations such as Root Capital and ResponseAbility. This enables farmers to access funds for farm inputs and labour prior to the harvest when their costs are at their highest.

Our tea pick today : Pu’erh Tea: Another Chinese variety, Pu’erh is a fermented tea, using aged tea leaves—some are aged for decades before used. What you’ll taste in pu’erh will vary, but you can expect smooth, mature flavors. Reported Benefits: Pu’erh tea can aid digestion and has also been known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which could alleviate joint pain. It also could help with mental alertness. Caffeine? Yes, but the amount can vary (no more than a cup of coffee). Read more details at Craft tea UK.

Eco friendly coffee tip of the day : Get A Reusable Filter: While there are several, the most compelling reason to avoid paper filters is that a large portion of them are chlorine-bleached and end up in landfills. These filters then seep trace amounts of dioxins, chemicals toxic to human health, into watersheds, which distributes the dioxins to growing plants. Eco-friendly Aeropress reusable stainless steel filter: At the very least, look for TCF (total chlorine-free) or PCF (processed chlorine-free) labels on filters. However, reusable filters eliminate paper waste entirely, chlorine-free or not. Here are a few examples of these eco-friendly brewers: French Press, Stainless Steel Pour Over Cone, Aeropress + Steel Filters. Coffee brewed with metal filters has a rich flavor and full mouthfeel. If not for the eco-friendly factors, try them for the flavor!

We carefully vet and select our coffee and tea based on quality, taste, aroma and whether or not it was ethically sourced. We always use ethically sourced products which help farmers around the world. All our products are tested, blended and packaged personally in our home kitchen. But that’s enough about us, we look forwards to doing business with you, we hope you will begin to look to us for all your tea and coffee needs. Source: https://lynchsbrew.co.uk/.

We are passionate about tea and coffee, but also about our chosen non-profit organisation, Lemur Love. This organisation focuses on lemur conservation and can be found at www.lemurlove.org. Currently Lynch’s Brew donates 5% of all it’s sales to this organisation. After we reach our first 5000 sales it is our pledge to raise this to 6%, 7% once we reach 10000 sales and 10% once we reach 100000 sales.

ETA New Zealand help updated for 2019

Spectacular New Zealand, a tempting travel location. Do you plan to see New Zealand? If you’re traveling to New Zealand any time after October 1st, 2019, you’re going to need either an actual visa, or an ETA if you’re from a “visa waiver country”. Basically, if you needed a visa before this date, you still need one. If you didn’t, and could simply hop on a plane, like citizens from the USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, Germany and numerous other countries you’ll now need to fill out the ETA before you do and pay for it too. If you don’t, you won’t be able to board the plane.

Extending to almost the entire length of the South Island, the Southern Alps mountain range is the highest in Australasia. It is home to Aoraki/Mount Cook, Mt Aspiring, Mount Tutoko, along with various other mountains, glacial lakes and forested wonders. Located on New Zealand’s Hauraki Gulf, Tiritiri Matangi Island is an incredible wildlife sanctuary that’s home to various native and coastal birds. It is a predator-free island, where a number of threatened and endangered species have been introduced and protected from extinction.

On the tumultuous Pacific Ring of Fire, Rotorua is one of the most active geothermal regions in the world. This is a land where the earth speaks. Boiling mud pools, hissing geysers, volcanic craters, and steaming thermal springs betray the forces that birthed much of New Zealand’s dramatic topography. Visitors can take a walking tour of these geothermal wonders, soak in steaming mineral springs, and learn about the region’s rich Maori history and culture. Adventure seekers will also find plenty of things to do. Sky-diving, luging, and mountain biking are some of the activities on offer. Trout fishing is also popular, and Rotorua is the gateway to the ski fields of Mt. Ruapehu. Nearby Wai-O-Tapu is also a popular tourist attraction with colorful hot springs and the famous Champagne Pool and Lady Knox Geyser.

We are specialized in providing a completely online experience and check any mistakes in application, convert digital photos to be of acceptable quality for Immigration New Zealand. Visitors can retrieve their ETA if they lose from our system and we take the risk of any corrections. We provide 100% refund if their application is not approved this derisking ETA applicants. We also accept cards from 130 countries that Immigration New Zealand doesnt accept. We also accept Paypal and China Union Pay Card payment methods, which others do not provide. We have 24/7 customer support help desk. We assist visitors to New Zealand get their ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) within 72 hours. All citizens of the following 60 countries need an eTA for New Zealand if arriving by air : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Andorra, Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Macau, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Norway, Oman, Qatar, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Republic of South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City. Read extra info at https://official-newzealand-eta.org/.