Let’s start with the obvious question : what is Utopia P2P network ? Utopia is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. The network is supported by people who use it and deliver high-quality features and perfectly smooth user Interface that offer a lot of value.
Utopia is a breakthrough decentralized P2P ecosystem with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. Utopia allows users to send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chats and channels and make and accept payments denominated in Utopia’s minable crypto currency Crypton. To learn more about Utopia and to sign up for its beta please visit https://beta.u.is/

P2P network Utopia news. Only normal computers are required, there is no need to purchase an expensive server/Each computer is fulfilling more than one role, it may be printing or file sharing. This increases the load
The Dashboard is the Home page, designed to provide access to all functions available in Utopia Software.
Features : Chat, uMail, Profiles, Channel, Mining, uWallets, Geotagging and uMaps, Built-in Idyll browser, Utopia Network.

Peer-to-peer networks are relatively easy to expand. As the number of devices in the network increases, the power of the P2P network increases, as each additional computer is available for processing data.
Utopia Chat send instant text and voice messages to Utopia users.
Features : emoticons, Texts, voice message, stickers, send file, add contact, Notification.

A message can be sent to any user in your contact list.
” Voice Massage” – When you are ready to record a message, click “Start Recording”.
” stickers ” – send the stickers in chat;
“Send File” – allows you to send a file;
“Search” – allows you to search through your communication history;
” emoticons ” – Add emoticons to the chat;
Utopia Chat you can send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chats and channels, news feeds and conduct a private discussion.
If you download the same file through a peer-to-peer network, using a BitTorrent website as a starting point, the download is performed differently. The file is downloaded to your computer in bits and parts that come from many other computers in the P2P network that already have that file. At the same time, the file is also sent (uploaded) from your computer to others which ask for it. This situation is similar to a two-way road: the file is like multiple small cars that come to your PC but also leave to others when they are requested.
3. uMail : Utopia Mail
uMail can be sent to Utopia users. you can share Text and file Attachment. you can use this Umail like Email. Its very easy to use for all and also your data privacy more strong’s compare to Other Mail system. In the Umail you can use variety of features like below. No servers are used for mail transmission or storage. uMail account, that is created in a minute, enables unlimited messaging and attachment storage.

this is use for your personal details like First name, Last Name etc.

Your Public key is a unique identifier within Utopia which is assigned to newly registered users. Like this,
Public Keys are used to add users to contact lists, and Your uCode is your encoded Public Key.
5.Channel :
Channel is a tool for broadcasting public messages to large audiences and engaging in group discussions.

6.Crypto Mining :
Crypto is a payment unit of Utopia ecosystem. It is a decentralized crypto currency. Utopia Provides personal Currency in Rewards. Crypto currency mining is a process by which new coins are introduced into the existing circulating supply. Utopia rewards users that support the ecosystem through mining by emission of new Cryptons. When you run Utopia or a mining bot you will receive your share of the collective mining reward. The more time your Utopia client or bots spend online, the more reward you will earn. Utopia is to promote the stability of the ecosystem.
Minimum mining system requirements:
– 64-bit operating system
– At least 1024 MB of free RAM (2048 recommended)
– Internet connection

And also Utopia provides personal Crypto Card to specific Users for Earnings. uWallet is Utopia’s built-in wallet that makes payments in Crypton possible. Crypton is Utopia’s own cryptocurrency.
7. Geotagging and uMaps

GeoTag is an electronic tag that assigns a geographical location to Utopia channel. When you create a channel you have an opportunity to assign a geoTag so that fellow Utopia users can easily find you channel using uMaps.
8.Utopia Network
Utopia is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. The network is supported by people who use it. Utopia Network is based on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology. Network settings are available at “Tools” – “Settings” – “Network” tab

9.Built-in Idyll browser
Utopia ecosystem is based on its own peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Among other things, the network enables you to host and transmit to fellow Utopia users any websites or web services. Idyll browser is a built-in browser used to surf web resources within Utopia network. It is based on the latest Tor browser. As the Tor browser is a collection of patches for Firefox, we used some of those patches to create a secure browser for Utopia network.
Enter http://utopia at the address field of your browser
If the http://utopia does not load, please refer to What if I encounter an error?

10.Utopia Multyplayer Games

Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a Utopia with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. The game is played by millions of people worldwide. Chess is believed to be derived from the Indian game chaturanga sometime before the 7th century. you can Play chess with multiplayer on Utopia Software.
Play chess online against a computer opponent or a friend. Improve your skills – Play free Chess – Chess game on Utopia Network

11.uNS registered names
uNS is a decentralized equivalent of a classic DNS. DNS is subject to pressure and censorship from less than perfect international laws. Domains can be revoked or suspended due to multiple reasons, such as non-response to whois inquiry or other register policies, non-payment, government actions and so on.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a pseudo-distributed directory that resolves human-readable hostnames, such as www.domain.com, into machine-readable IP addresses like
A UNS record is a database record used to map a URL to an IP address. UNS records are stored in UNS servers and work to help users connect their websites to the outside world. When the URL is entered and searched in the browser, that URL is forwarded to the UNS servers and then directed to the specific Web server.
uNS name can be also assigned to one of your Channels to make them easier to be found by other people.

12. Umaps

13. Sortcut Keys for Utopia
– Open Settings Window: Ctrl+Shift+S
– Send File in Chat: Ctrl+D
– Add a New Contact: Ctrl+Shift+A
– Search in Chat: Ctrl+F
– Open History Window: Ctrl+Shift+F
– Delete All Chat History: Ctrl+Shift+L
– Wipe Encrypted File Container: Ctrl+Shift+C
– Start a New uMail: Ctrl+N
– Send uMail: Ctrl+S
– Open Network Eye Window: Ctrl+I
– Open Transfer Manager Window: Ctrl+T
– Lock Application: Ctrl+Alt+L

14.Voice Chat in Utopia
Voice chat is telecommunication via voice over IP technologies—especially when those technologies are used among players in multiplayer online games. Players might use either a VoIP engine system that is built into the game, or a separate program in Utopia.
Now in New Updates of Utopia you can start voice chat with Utopia Users.

15.Dark Theme In Utopia
The Utopia developers have created a beautiful theme for lovers of dark colors and for those who work at night, enjoy!

Utopia has been developed by a group of networking technology enthusiasts over the last 5 years. To eliminate any impact on the project, developers of Utopia will forever remain anonymous. We will not be able to alter the algorithms of the ecosystem once it has been launched.
Utopia is an instrument that will return the freedom of expression back into your life. It is time to take privacy of communication into your own hands!
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