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Search engine optimization services for insurance agents from Agent Caffeine

Social media management solutions for insurance industry by getagentcaffeine.com? Local SEO is a powerful lead generator for small and medium business. In 2020, 97% of customers search online for a local business. Local search statistics reveal that 54% consumers do this at least once a month, while 12% search for a local business every day. From that search, 72% of people will visit a store within 8km of where they are. Whether you’re an independent small business, a service-based business, or a local business without a storefront, local SEO is the key to driving more people to your store.

Profiles help all businesses, and it makes no sense to ignore maximizing the potential. Fill out the listing, make posts, encourage reviews and more to see even more of a difference. Getting this information accurate makes a business easier to find, adds legitimacy, allows for some keyword optimization and impacts local SEO significantly.

With more and more customers going online, looking for the best products or services near them, they are more likely to engage with the business they searched for within a day. To get maximum visibility, your business should be at the top of the list when someone queries for the product or service you offer. But getting on to the top of local search results is not that easy, especially after Google changed their local pack to the new 3-pack listings, like that of the above image.

In order to maximize results, you must design your site for maximum usability and reduce user frustration. That’s where our expertise comes in handy. We learn who your customers are, disect the best practices for converting that audience based on demographic and geographic data. What’s this mean? A custom-built site that gets more leads for you. Many sites are too bloated or too cookie-cutter; often putting design over clarity. Frustrated users typically don’t return – so keep the design clear, legible and informative. Find additional details on Websites for insurance agents.

Here are some general tips for keeping your pages fast: Use a CDN. Most sites live on one server in one location. So, for some visitors, data has to travel long distances before it appears in their browser. This is slow. CDNs solve this by copying critical resources like images to a network of servers around the globe so that resources are always loaded locally. Compress images. Image files are big, which makes them load slowly. Compressing images decreases the file size, which makes them faster to load. You just need to balance size with quality. Use lazy-loading. Lazy-loading defers the loading of offscreen resources until you need them. This means that the browser doesn’t need to load all of the images on a page before it’s usable. Use an optimized theme. Choose a well-optimized website theme with efficient code. Run the theme demo through Google’s Pagespeed Insights tool to check.

We’re digital marketers professionals. We’re web designers. UX/UI specialists. SEO managers. We’re former insurance agents. All of that rolled up together makes us the perfect growth engine for our insurance business. Agent Caffeine uses a tech-forward, highly data-driven approach that reduces lead generation from an “art” to straight science… spitting out a reliable number of genuine quality leads for you consistently. This is modern marketing for the digital age, something 99% of your competitors haven’t figured out yet. You don’t even need to go into the office to make sales, you can work remote from the comfort of your own home. Find more information on Digital Marketing for insurance agents.