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Top aquarium tank mates tricks? Another small fish in our list is a Platy – a small freshwater fish that grows to be only 3 inches. Platies make good companions to other small fishes. They have interesting color patterns that attract many fish breeders. Despite their size, they need to be kept in a big tank, especially if they are kept with other fishes where there is a tendency to be overcrowded. Platies are good jumpers, which means that your tank needs to be covered to keep them from jumping out of the aquarium. They will eat all types of fish food.

Just like keeping any pet in the house, there are things you’ll need to watch when keeping tropical fish: Tropical fish can die very easily when something goes wrong with the tank. Often by the time you notice something is wrong with the tank or the fish, it will be too late for you to do anything for them (although you can take you lessons learned for the next aquarium you set up). Tropical fish do require more care than a plant; you must know how to change the water, clean the tank, and what to feed them. As opposed to bringing other type pets into the house, set up costs for fish keeping can be expensive. You’ll need to put in an investment in terms of the tank and the accessories. Plus many fish are not cheap! Tropical fish are living creatures. Things happen to them, even when you’re not paying attention. So they aren’t just design features and will require your frequent attention and care. If you keep your tropical fish tank without doing any research, things can get ugly! For example you can have algae blooms or snail infestations that are very hard to eradicate. Discover extra information on rainbow shark care.

If you want your aquarium to have an attractive appearance, and the fish and plants were healthy, you need to take care of it. Although some fish are very good at cleaning the aquarium, a human must still take care of the aquarium. Having an aquarium with freshwater inhabitants at home is a responsible hobby. Many factors affect aquarium pollution: lighting, type of algae, frequency of feeding, number of aquarium inhabitants, presence of putrid bacteria, and more.

Reef aquarium maintenance is essential to success in the hobby. Routinely doing regular maintenance will prevent nutrients from forming in your tank, as well as replenish minor and trace elements removed by corals. Keeping a regular maintenance schedule will help you maintain success and optimize color and growth in your saltwater tank. Let’s dive in to some of the most important techniques of reef aquarium maintenance. Though recently up for debate, frequent water changes are commonly accepted as one of, if not the, most important techniques of successful reef aquarium maintenance. The reason water changes are important is not just for removing nutrients from the water, in fact that is one of the least important benefits. With good filtration, a well planned cleanup crew, and efficient refugium, nutrients can be kept very low without replacing the water frequently, if at all. If not to remove nutrients from the tank, then why are we doing water changes at all? Discover more details at fish pets.