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Do you want to lose weight ? Here are some methods

Huge weight is a big concern and people should watch it but also avoid risky diets. Here are some weight loss guides for safe weight loss. Popsicles may be a summer staple, but they’re loaded with sugar and other ingredients that threaten to derail your diet. So, instead of those refined sugar-laden treats, enjoy some frozen red grapes instead. Not only will they help satisfy your sweet tooth, but they’re filled with resveratrol (that’s the beneficial antioxidant found in red wine), which has been shown to reduce weight gain associated with a high-fat diet.

While salt may not be calorically dense, it can still have a significant effect on your weight loss—or lack thereof. In fact, one oft-referenced 2006 study published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases found a strong correlation between salt and rising obesity rates. Not only that, but the same study found that when subjects reduced their salt intake by 30 to 35 percent over a 30-year period, their mortality risk due to stroke and coronary heart disease decreased by 75 to 80 percent.

Sitting at a table to eat instead of doing it at your desk, on the sofa or standing up reduces your risk of over-eating by making you more mindful during meals. Research from Cornell University in the US found that people eat far more in social situations – think standing at the buffet, when walking or talking, or at your desk while working – than when sitting down and thinking about how each mouthful smells, tastes and feels.

“The crucial factor to success is forming new, healthier habits. When you first learn to drive a car you must focus on changing gear, indicating and braking all at once, which can feel overwhelming – but it soon becomes automatic,” says personal trainer and fitness model Jamie Alderton. “Once you start to develop new habits, such as planning your meals, sticking to a structured training programme and getting better-quality sleep, it becomes easier not only to lose body fat but also to keep it off.”

Katie Dunlop, creator of the workout and health community Love Sweat Fitness, lost the 45 pounds she gained in college by ditching fad diets and trendy workout plans. She follows three simple rules: have a clear “why,” dream big, and plan small. “For years the only ‘why’ I had was to be skinny so I’ll fit in better and boys will like me,” Dunlop told INSIDER. “It’s sad but true, and I don’t think I was alone in that very superficial reasoning.” When she finally hit her breaking point, she was 45 pounds heavier than she wanted to be, dealing with depression, and facing the lowest point in her life. That flipped the switch and was the moment her “why” changed.

Now that it’s summertime, you’ll want to take advantage of all that natural sunlight. One 2017 study published in Scientific Reports found that fat cells exposed to light stored less fat than those kept in the dark. However, just because a little light is good for you doesn’t mean you can’t overdo it: More than 15 minutes a day without sunblock can increase your risk for skin cancer, so be careful!

WW – formerly known as Weight Watchers – actually was tied with MIND of the best diet overall. But it did come first for the best diet for weight loss and best commercial diet. It assigns point values to food based on their calorie, sugar, saturated fat and protein content. The healthiest foods have zero points, meaning that you can eat as much of them as you like. You’re given a daily point total which you meet by keeping a food diary. See more details on How to lose weight tips.